Gretchen Wiersma

Born and raised in metropolitan Detroit and central Pennsylvania, and the granddaughter and niece of nurses. Former trumpeter who, with her high school marching band, was featured on the “Today Show.” University of Pittsburgh nursing alumna whose first U.S. Nurse Army Corps assignment was in the former West Germany in 1989 as the Berlin Wall fell (yes, she has a piece!). Primary professor in the RN to BSN program’s Northern Virginia location who also teaches pediatrics to accelerated BSN students. Passionate about creating classes that “respect the learner.”

Best part of her job

“Having an active role in educating our future nurses and seeing their passion and energy for our profession.”

>> Read Wiersma's ESSAY "I joined the military on a whim. It was the best professional decision I ever made." (Daily Progress, November 2023)

UVA School of Nursing in a single word?

Opportunities. I have had so many in such a short time since arriving at the School of Nursing in the fall of 2021. I’ve had the opportunity to teach eight different courses, attend two different teaching institutes through the Center for Teaching Excellence, serve on two committees . . . the School of Nursing has plenty to offer if you seize the opportunity.”


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