Compassionate Care Research Program
Compassionate Care Research (CCR) seeks to conduct innovative, high-impact research related to compassion in healthcare that results in measurable improvements in the lives of clinicians, patients, families, and communities. Compassion is defined as the ability to recognize and take action to alleviate the suffering of others and is considered a basic patient right and a foundational component of quality healthcare. Since 2009, the UVA School of Nursing has been a pioneer in advancing the ideals and delivery of compassionate care within healthcare through the Compassionate Care Initiative. Building upon this foundation, we are now well-poised to enhance the visibility and dissemination of high quality, high impact research related to compassionate care. With the expansion of the scale and scope of CCR, we aim to move UVA School of Nursing from prominence to preeminence in advancing the science of compassion in healthcare. CCR grants also work to reduce disparities, address social determinants of health, and enhance health equity, both locally and globally.
Applicants for CCR funding should submit a research plan (no more than five pages, 11 pt. Ariel or Times New Roman font, single-spaced, 0.5" margins) as well as information detailing:
Research plan
- Background/significance (why does this matter? what's the work's impact?)
- Purpose and specific aims statement (a brief description of what you will do)
- Innovation (how the proposed study is novel and fills a gap)
- Approach (how the aims will be accomplished), including recruitment, data collection, and data analysis for each aim
- Anticipated challenges and how they will be addressed
- How the project advances compassionate care research science and the scholar's own research trajectory
- Any human participant considerations and anticipated challenges, and how they will be addressed
- References (do not count toward page total)
Plans for follow-up studies
(1/2 page maximum, required for post-doctoral candidates only)
Study timeline with key milestones
Budget and budget justification
NIH biosketch
A letter of support from primary faculty mentor (if applicable)
Other details
- Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted
- All applications submitted for CCR funding are reviewed and final selections made by an external faculty review board not associated with CCR
- Projects should be designed to be completed in 12 months and have a maximum budget of $15,000 (final budgets may require adjustment based on number of applications, funding, and scope)
- Midyear and final accomplishments report as well as other deliverables are required
Applicants must follow the Compassionate Care Research funding application template.
Questions about CCR funding may be directed to CCR program director Amber Steen.