Intramural Funding Overview

Supporting preliminary work to increase the strength and success of external funding proposals.

The principal objective of an intramural research award is to increase the success of proposals for external funding by supporting the collection of preliminary data and work that will contribute to the strength and competitiveness of submitted proposals. Additionally, we recognize that there are activities for which external support is very limited and proposals are accepted from faculty in those fields.

Applicants for intramural funding must describe the contributions this research is expected to make toward advancing the individual’s program of research and include a specific plan to obtain extramural funding. Another factor considered in the evaluation of the project is the outcomes of prior projects supported with intramural funds, so we ask applicants to detail intramural funding received from the School of Nursing as well. 

We encourage faculty to think of creative ways to further develop their research expertise and to increase research productivity. Activities such as developing research consortiums and working with consultants to develop specific skills are also encouraged but can’t be the sole purpose of the funding. Collection of primary or secondary data to prove the feasibility of the research project is a critical aspect of any successful program. Summer salary support for proposal development is acceptable for some funding opportunities if the investigator provides justification that they will develop a competitive proposal to be submitted externally.

Intramural Funding Opportunities