


  • BSN: November 1 (Early Action and Early Decision deadlines) or January 1 (Regular Decision deadline)
  • RN to BSN and undergraduate transfer: March 1
  • Accelerated BSN: October 1


  • CNL direct-entry to nursing: October 1
  • PhD in nursing: December 15
  • MSN (except CNL direct-entry), post-master’s certificate, and DNP: January 5

Non-Degree Seeking Students

The School of Nursing welcomes non-matriculated students to take two courses as non-degree seeking students. We often refer to these students as visiting students. Please note that non-degree single courses available to visiting students do not qualify for financial aid. Additionally, enrolling in these courses may result in a reduction of credit hours, impacting their initial financial aid eligibility.


Review criteria for application fee waivers


Austin Stajduhar
Assistant dean for admissions
(434) 924-0066
Kim Dieber
Coordinator for transfer admissions
RN to BSN, 2- and 3-year BSN transfer programs, including the accelerated BSN program
(434) 249-2106