A Year of Resilience
Having wrapped up its 15th and final retreat for 2018, the Compassionate Care Initiative decided to take stock of the year by looking back at the many ways they inspired resilience in nursing students, medical students, and clinicians throughout the Charlottesville community.
So what’s the skinny on CCI’s 2018 goings-on?
number of nursing and medical students and Cville-area clinicians who joined one of 15 CCI retreats during 2018
the amount CCI raised to keep said retreats completely free for both clinician and student participants.
number of drop in classes (in yoga, meditation, t’ai chi and Falun Gong) offered between August and December 2018.
35-40 seconds
the time it takes to do “The Pause,” a resilience practice taught by CCI faculty and taught to students
number of artists (thanks, George Andrews and Gidey Gezahey!) who led the fall semester’s creative arts workshop.
400: that’s the number of nursing and medical students and Charlottesville clinicians who were taught mindfulness techniques at Morven Farms over 15 retreats. That’s 400 meals and snacks. 400 journals given to participating students to encourage the use of writing as self-care. 400 hikes through Morven’s 7,000-acre property. Dozens of hours of faculty and staff time to organize lectures, discussions, and mindful practice sessions.
“While we’re proud of these numbers and grateful to those whose energy, ideas and passion make our initiative so powerful,” says Tim Cunningham, CCI director, “let’s face it: when you think of resilience and compassionate nurses, numbers don’t mean much. What does means something is when we hear from students. Like the one who told us, after a retreat:
‘The spaces we used were comforting and calming. The instructors guided helpful practices that feel achievable on my own.’ -
"Another said:
"‘I liked that the instructors were both nurses who have lots of real life, hands-on experience and could help us really apply the mindfulness practice. It’s about practice, it’s about caring for our selves, with generosity, so that we can generously care for others.’
“Hearing that,” says Cunningham, “I’m reminded: This is why we do what we do.”
Curious about how CCI might enrich your practice, well-being, and professional longevity? Visit us online or stop by the School of Nursing in 2019. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!