#MeetUsMonday - Meet RN to BSN Student Christina

Meet Christina.
Former massage therapist, inveterate thrifter, amateur watercolor painter, and gardener. Proud PVCC graduate and mom of two boys, ages nine and 12. A former neurology nurse who is fascinated by the human body, interested in holistic healthcare, and loves baking, including sneaking healthy foods into treats for her boys (brownies with black beans and sweet potatoes, anyone?). An RN to BSN student and member of the class of 2026.
“I’d always been fascinated by the human body, and, as a kid, I’d eagerly await Readers Digest magazine to read the medical mysteries section. My parents bought us an encyclopedia set and I’d read about disease processes for fun. I am not grossed out by blood and guts, so I loved looking at the pictures, too.
“I’ve always loved to make people feel both comfortable and cared for, especially when they are ill. There were seven kids in my family so someone always needed tending to! My mother developed Lupus when I was nine and I remember feeling frustrated that I could not help her feel better. I wanted to care for her but there was little I could do. I think this experience may have planted the seeds of a nursing career.
"Learning in itself is an adventure, and the School is supportive in that: What are your interests and what do you want to do? We’ll help you get there. As a second career, it’s a huge adventure.”
Christina Salidis, BSN Class of 2026
“At 28, I decided to become a nurse. Although good at science, I struggled with math, so put off nursing school, but finally went for it. I attended PVCC for nursing school, graduated in 2002, and was a nurse for almost 10 years in neurology and neurosurgery, and did float pool as well. I really enjoyed working in neurology, it's fascinating how the brain works. The people I worked with were the best and I felt a good sense of teamwork.
“In 2011, I was pregnant with my first-born. We knew he would be born with Down’s syndrome, and the pregnancy was difficult. At five months old, he had open heart surgery to fix his atrioventricular canal defect (holes in both chambers of his heart). There were lots of medical appointments and therapies, and when my second son came along, I decided it would be best for my children if I focused solely on them and became a stay-at-home mother."

“I recognize the value of a BSN—shout-out to PVCC for being totally awesome. I was well-trained there. I knew I wanted a well-rounded education, and a BSN provides that. Employers are heading toward requiring all nursing staff to have a BSN within a few years of employment, so I thought it was the smartest path to take. My oldest, Aiden, attends the Virginia Institute of Autism, which provides the stability he needs for his education. He really struggled in public education and I had to be available at a moment’s notice to come pick him up. So now I’m able to focus more on me and work towards finding a path back towards my career in nursing. The goal was always to return someday.”
“UVA is a big fish, school-wise. I felt intimidated by the thought of studying here. I took my prerequisites at PVCC and really loved it there because it’s small and accessible. I was anxious about returning to school in general, especially being an older student, and wondering whether I could still be the kind of mother I wanted to be and reconcile not getting A’s, as my attention would be so divided. So, I had a lot of concerns in the beginning and tried to take it day-by-day.
“At UVA, I’ve found the faculty and staff to be so supportive; they answer your questions right away and want you to succeed. If you ask for help, they’re there. They never make you feel bad about asking. Honestly, without that support, I wouldn’t have felt the confidence needed for this program.
“I also chose the RN to BSN program because it is mostly asynchronous. I can choose when and where I do my work, and that is an amazing advantage when you have kids (or another job outside the home . . . or both!). Online classes are a whole new ball of wax for me. I like engaging in group discussion in person (we’re on person once a month), and we try to have online discussions, which is different, but not really my style. I always prefer in-person classes, but the hybrid schedule works for a mom. I work hard on my assignments while the kids are at school, so that I am mostly available to them when they return. I spend on average about 10-15 hours a week on my schoolwork. Sometimes more, sometimes less . . . I am still figuring out how to divide up my time.
“We do once-a-month in person, and those days are great. We recently all got together for a retreat to learn how to be more compassionate to ourselves, about mindfulness, and practiced some relaxation techniques and how to just slow down and care for ourselves to avoid burnout. I think it's great that UVA recognizes this critical issue and are taking steps to help their students proactively.”
“This is a whole side of nursing that I’d never really examined: nursing theory, evidence-based nursing research. I wanted to do the best for my patients but didn’t have the education to understand the why behind things. I’m still more of a people person than a policy person, but at my age, I don’t want to be at the bedside for the rest of my life, so learning the more professional side of nursing is helpful for advancement."
RN to BSN student Christina Salidis
“I’ve had to become a lot more organized! This semester we took classes in pathophysiology and professional nursing: how to be more formal and effective writers, nursing theory, and evidence-based research. Some of these things are not taught at the associate’s degree level. As health systems look for more well-rounded nurses, they want someone who can affect change in the workplace, maybe help write health policy, and understand the why behind it all.
“As a PVCC graduate, I think I felt protective of my associate’s degree because they do such a fabulous job, and my PVCC grad peers are amazing nurses. Associates degree nurses are mostly bedside nurses and excel at that. But if you want to move beyond the bedside in any way, shape, or form, though, you have to learn what the BSN offers. I’ve embraced the value of learning these things.
“This is a whole side of nursing that I’d never really examined: nursing theory and evidence-based nursing research. I’d always wanted to do the best for my patients but didn’t have the education to understand the why behind things. I’m still more of a people person than a policy person, but, at my age, I don’t want to be at the bedside for the rest of my life, so learning the more professional side of nursing is helpful for advancement.”
“You’re always, always, always looking, searching, questioning, ‘Is this the right thing? Can it be done better?’ It’s been an amazing transformation for me to become someone who was shy to speak up and didn’t advocate for myself well into someone who can fully become an advocate and speak up (loudly, if need be!) for my son. I spent hours researching treatments, supplements, therapies. There is a lot of creative problem solving when you have a special needs child. If Aiden had a new issue, I learned everything I could about it to help.
“Aiden’s like my little alien; he doesn’t fit any mold, and I have to adjust accordingly. I can see that this translates to being a better advocate for my patients and thinking outside the box to find solutions for them.”
“ADVENTUROUS LEARNING. I love learning, and I feel like the School offers so much opportunity to explore so many different things, and I’m taking advantage. I just did a two-hour seminar on equity and inclusion, and another on allyship; these opportunities will help me serve my patients even more. Learning in itself is an adventure, and the School is supportive in that: What are your interests and what do you want to do? We’ll help you get there. As a second career, it’s a huge adventure.”