May you be well . . .
Poise and pandemic. Hardly two words that fit together.
Yet as we face COVID-19 as students, faculty, staff, alumni, and caregivers, this uncertain moment calls on each one of us to take a breath. We will each wonder what to do next. But we can start simply, with one breath.
It's never been more important to be certain that - just as you take measures to ensure your own health and wellness through social distancing, handwashing, and cough and sneeze etiquette - that you also take stock of your emotional wellbeing, too.
Your friends at the Compassionate Care Initiative (CCI) wish to remind you that self-care is timely, important, and easy - and it really works.
One breath in, slowly, deeply, and one breath out, through your mouth. Notice your heartbeat. Settle into your breath, and into the moment.
If you're at work, in the car, or at home, or you can try the STOP method to inspire calm:
- Stop, pause
- Take some slow, deep breaths and tune in
- Open up and observe how you feel
- Proceed with awareness, kindness, and wise action
It's our hope to remind our community that resilience in times of stress is key. We'll be offering more tips to promote wellbeing and mindfulness in the days to come. 'Till then, be well!
Looking for additional guided meditations, body scans, or exercises to soothe and calm? Please check out:
- Listen to CCI Ambassador Anna DeLong's "Brain Training for Focus and Wellbeing"
- Take part in a guided practice of Loving Kindness with former prof. Susan Bauer-Wu
- Try a CCI compassion meditation focused on forgiveness
(Bauer-Wu's meditations are courtesy of Leaves Falling Gently, New Harbinger Publications, 2011)