Angela J Hasemann Bayliss, MS, RDN
(Angie Hasemann Bayliss)
Angie Hasemann Bayliss is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who has spent the past decade teaching kids to cheer for fruits and vegetables and eat them too. She worked with children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers, at UVA’s Children’s Fitness Clinic and is well-known for translating the complicated science of nutrition into easy-to-use and understandable information.
With her passion for helping families dealing with the most severe cases of obesity and co-morbidities, Angie has spent much of her career working on the front lines of pediatric obesity treatment. After counseling over 3,000 patients and their families in the Children’s Fitness Clinic, she’s been forced to master the art of grabbing and maintaining the attention of toddlers and their grandparents to allow for effective nutrition education and to promote positive behavior change. She’s provided training for community members; medical, nursing, exercise physiology, and dietetics students; and physicians throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Angie holds three Bachelors’ Degrees, in Nutrition, Exercise Science, and Dietetics, from Kansas State University, and she earned her Masters of Science Degree in Health Communication from Boston University. She currently supports UVA’s outpatient and pediatric Registered Dietitian teams in her role as Co-Clinical Nutrition Manager, as well as serving as Program Director of the University of Virginia Health System Dietetic Internship program. She’s a true foodie at heart – enjoying cooking, trying out new restaurants, and doing a food tour in any new city she visits.
Honors and Awards
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation’s Fuschia Lucille Johnson Memorial Scholarship, June 2014
- Morrison Healthcare Clinical Excellence Award, December 2013
- Kansas State University College of Human Ecology Young Professional Award, October 2013
- Virginia Dietetic Association, Graduate Scholarship Recipient, March 2013
- Compass Group North America, Together We’re Better: Bright Ideas from the Field, Bright Idea of the Week, October 2012
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, Innovations in Future Practice Session, Top Innovation in Practice First Place Winner, October 2012
- Morrison Management Specialists Clinical Nutrition Ambassador, Childhood Obesity, 2010-2012
- Virginia Dietetic Association Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, April 2011
- Augusta Area Dietetic Internship Speaker of the Year Award, 2010-2011
Clinical Focus
Pediatric Weight Management & DiabetesTeaching Focus
Principles of Nutrition for Health ProfessionalsService
- Charlottesville Ballet Nutrition Consultant, 2012-Present
- PB&J Fund Holiday Giving Event Volunteer, 2011-Present
- UVA School of Medicine Cells to Society Volunteer, 2008-Present
- Community presentations to Region 10 supervisors; STARS Group Home staff; Children, Youth, & Family Services staff; Children’s Health Improvement Program staff; Junior League Kids in the Kitchen organizers, St. Anne’s Belfield preschool class; Oakland School students and parents; U12 Girls Elite Soccer Team; Camp Holiday Trails campers and family members; Crozet Youth Swim Teams; Tandem Friends School high school students; QuickStart Tennis; Mountaintop Montessori School middle school students; Brownsville Elementary Girl Scout Brownie Troop; Community Attention Group Home for Teens; General Electric employees; Blue Ridge Medical Center Rural Health Outreach Program; Albemarle County Schools Extended Day Program.
- Listen Up! Patient Engagement Strategies that Work, Delaware Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Meeting, May 2017
- The Power of Teamwork: Strategies to Engage the Family in Overcoming Barriers to Healthy Eating, New York Langone Medical Center, December 2016
- Building Blocks: Establishing Pediatric Obesity Best Practices and Standardized Care, Massachusetts Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, May 2016; Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, October 2015
- Superheroes with Food Models: The Vital Role Dietitians Play in the Pediatric Obesity Epidemic, Omaha District Dietetic Association, February 2016
- No More Wasted Time: Ideas for Grabbing and Maintaining Your Clients, Morrison Healthcare Pediatric Nutrition Symposium, May 2015; Delaware Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, May 2015; West Virginia Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, April 2015
- The Preceptor Experience Is the Future of Our Profession: Paying It Forward, Virginia Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, April 2015
- Weight Bias: Point, Counterpoint, Virginia Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, April 2014
- Little People, Big Problem: Lessons from the Front Line of Childhood Obesity Treatment, Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group Symposium, March 2014
- Weight-Based Bullying: The Silent Culprit Complicating Pediatric Obesity Webinar, Villanova Center for Obesity Prevention and Education, December 2013
"The Importance of Addressing Weight-based Bullying with Your Pediatric Patients," Webinar for STOP Obesity Alliance, in partnership with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Academy of Pediatrics, July 2013 - Pediatric Weight Management: A Blueprint for Success, Villanova School of Nursing COPE (Center for Obesity Prevention and Education) conference, March 2013
- Beyond Baby Fat: Nutrition Assessment, Education, and Intervention for Overweight Children, Webinar for Morrison Healthcare Clinical Nutrition Ambassador Program, June 2012
- Childhood Obesity, Medical Society of Virginia Alliance, May 2012
- Make Food Fun: Keys to Shining in Your Next Nutrition Talk, Morrison Healthcare Pediatric Nutrition Symposium, May 2012
- Nutrition Training for Medical Providers, Virginia Weight of the State Conference, October 2011
- Childhood Obesity: What’s Going On? Answering the Whys, Whens, and Hows of America’s Most Frightening Epidemic Webinar, Morrison Healthcare, March 2011
- Making Food Fun: Non-Traditional Approaches for Teaching Nutrition to Children, Virginia Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, March 2009