
Dr. Quatrara earned her BSN from the State University of New York at Binghamton, and both her MSN and DNP from the University of Virginia School of Nursing. She is board certified both as a medical surgical RN and as an Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, and she holds a certificate of training in Adult Malnutrition. She has a rich clinical background in acute and progressive care. She is a seasoned clinician with a practice portfolio that includes trauma, general surgery, surgical oncology, and digestive health. Dr. Quatrara directs the UVA Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. Her 30-year rich clinical background includes leadership roles in numerous quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and research projects aimed at improving patient care outcomes. She has also led several interprofessional education and practice initiatives through grant funded activities. Dr. Quatrara is an active member of several professional organizations, including the Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses, where she serves as the nutrition liaison and collaborates with colleagues to enhance the nutritional care of hospitalized patients. She is a Stop the Bleed hemorrhage control program instructor and engages in emergency preparedness within the community. Dr. Quatrara is published in a variety of journals on clinical topics and writes chapters for a number of widely-used advanced practice nursing texts. She is a national-level speaker on topics of Nutrition, Interprofessional Education and Evidence Based Practice. 

MUSIC PLAYING] BETH QUATRARA: Hello. I'm Professor Beth Quatrara, and I direct the Doctor of Nursing Practice program here at the University of Virginia School of Nursing.

What sets UVA's school of nursing apart is the community. And I cannot say that enough. We really care about you, you as the person, you as the individual. You are not part of a cohort. You are not part of a class. You have the opportunity to work one on one with faculty, one on one with your advisor to develop your DNP project, to work through your DNP project in terms of where you are at that point in time, what knowledge and skills you have, and help you to uniquely address the practice changes that you want to transform. And it's so exciting to work with students at that level, and that's really what sets us apart is that we are uniquely focused on you.

I love being a faculty member here at the School of Nursing. I have the opportunity to work with students to help transform them, not only in terms of building knowledge and skills, but more importantly, their confidence. I love working with students who come in wide eyed, big faced, almost terrified to learn and stretch themselves and help them to truly grow.

One of the courses I teach is advanced pathophysiology, and that name in and of itself can be daunting. At the first class, one of the things we ask all the students to do is to put out three words that they're feeling right now as they sit here in this class on day one. And we built a word cloud. And I see words such as terrified, intimidated, oh no.

And on the last day of class, we repeat that same exercise and I have the opportunity to see words such as fascinated, impressed, proud. And that's what it's all about, right? Helping all of our students to become confident and moving from those wide eyes to those confident postures that really just help to show they're ready for the next step.

If I was to describe the UVA School of Nursing in one word, it would be energized. And to explain that, I invite you to walk into one of our buildings to feel the positive vibe, the positive energy of our students, our faculty, our staff. There is just something dynamic and energizing about this place that can only be described by being here. So come visit.


  • Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist (ACNS-BC)
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing (RN-BC)

Honors and Awards

  • AMSN President’s Award, Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses (2017)
  • Suzi Burns Evidence Based Practice Award, University of Virginia Medical Center’s Professional Nursing Staff Organization (2014)
  • Sigma Theta Tau Nancy Hilt Excellence in Clinical Practice Award, Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau at the University of Virginia (2013)
  • Margaret G. Tyson Innovative Teaching Award, University of Virginia School of Nursing, Alumni Association (2011)
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice Capstone Award, University of Virginia School of Nursing (2011)
  • Anne Pollock Hemmings Clinical Excellence Fellow, University of Virginia School of Nursing (2010)

Research Focus

Her clinical research focuses on interprofessional teams and clinical practice as they relate to improvements in systems and patient outcomes.

Recent Grants

Clinical Focus

Dr. Quatrara’s clinical practice focuses on improving the care of patients across the continuum of care, and introducing hemorrhage control practices within the community setting.

Teaching Focus

Her teaching focuses on creating a learning environment where adult learners are engaged as active partners in order to facilitate lifelong learning. She teaches in the MSN and DNP programs.


  • UVA SON CNS Program Coordinator (2018-present)
  • Co-Director for the Center for ASPIRE (UVA SON) (2017-present)
  • UVA SON CNS Admissions Panel member (UVA 2014-present)
  • Co-Chair of UVA SON DNP Committee (2018-2019)
  • UVA SON Dean Search Committee (2018-2019)
  • Chair of UVA SON DNP Council (2017-2018)
  • PNSO Evidence Based Practice Committee executive team (UVA: 2016-2017)      
  • PNSO Executive Cabinet member (UVA: 2014-2017)
  • National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel: Consensus Statement on Unavoidable Pressure Ulcers ,Invited Advisory Panel Participant (2014)
  • PNSO Magnet Steering Committee: New KnowledgeTeamLead (UVA:2012-2017)
  • PNSO Cabinet member (UVA: 2010-2017)
  • PNSO Clinical Practice Committee member (UVA: 2010-2012)
  • UVAHS Pressure Ulcer Prevention Team (UVA: May 2009-2016)
  • UVAHS LOS Reduction Team (UVA: April 2009-2010)
  • UVA SON MSN/DNP Committee DNP Student Representative (UVA: 2008-2010)
  • PNSO Nursing Council on Clinical and Academic Collaboration Co-Chair (UVA: 2008-2009)
  • UHC Supply Utilization and Nursing Practice Representative (UVA: 2005-2008)
  • UVA SON CNL Steering Committee Member (UVA: 2005-2007)
  • UVA SON CNL Admissions Committee Member (UVA: 2005-2007)
  • UVAHS Infection Control Committee Member (UVA: 2005-2008)
  • PNSO Research Program Mentor (UVA: 2005-2006)
  • PNSO Nominating Committee Chair (UVA: 2005)
  • PNSO Executive Committee Member (UVA:2005)
  • PNSO Cabinet Committee President (UVA:2005)
  • PNSO Executive Committee President (UVA:2004)
  • PNSO Cabinet President (UVA:2004)
  • PNSO Magnet Steering Committee Member (UVA: 2004)
  • PNSO Workload Efficacy Committee Co-Chair (UVA:2004)
  • PNSO Nominating Committee Member (UVA: 2001)


Journal Articles

Arkilic, L. Z., Hundt, E., & Quatrara, B. (2024). Critical care alarm fatigue and monitor customization: Alarm frequencies and context factors. Critical Care Nurse, 44(2), 21-30.

Byon, H., Park, S., Quatrara, B. A., Taggart, J., & Wheeler, L. B. (2024). Examining the evidence on the statistics prerequisite for admission to Doctor of Nursing Practice programs: Retrospective Cohort Study:. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 8, 1-7.

Scallan, R. M., Speciale, A., Kasen, K. E. M., Martin, D., Byon, H. D., & Quatrara, B. A. (2024). A quality improvement project to enhance emergency nurse workplace violence reporting.. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 50(5), 591-600.

Goode, L., Quatrara, B., & Ridge, R. (2023). COVID-19 skin manifestations. American Nurse Journal, 18(12), 20-22.

Smith, A., Quatrara, B., Miller, K., Novicoff, W., & Calabrese, N. (2022). Not so sweet: Preoperative diabetes screening in the total joint population. Orthopedic Nursing, 41(5), 324-332.

Craig, S., Whitlow, M., Quatrara, B., Kastello, J., Ackard, R., Mitchell, E., & Kools, S. (2022). A focused checklist for constructing equitable, diverse, and inclusive simulation experiences. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 71, 87-91.

Quatrara, B. (2022). Digital dissemination platforms. American Nurse Today, 17(9), 24-26.

Powers, J., Brown, B., Lyman, B., Escuro, A. A., Linford, L., Gorsuch, K., Mogensen, K. M., Engelbrecht, J., Chaney, A., McGinnis, C., Quatrara, B. A., Leonard, J., & Guenter, P. (2021). Development of a competency model for placement and verification of nasogastric and nasoenteric feeding tubes for adult hospitalized patients. Nutrition in Clinical Practice Medical Journal, 36(3), 517-533.

Cleckley, E., Coyne, B., Mutter M. K., & Quatrara, B. (2021). Using an empathic design thinking approach to reshape interprofessional curricula for health care trainees. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 24(2021), 1-7.

Haller, T., Quatrara, B., Miller-Davis, C., Noguera, A., Pannone, A., Keim-Malpass, J., ..., & Letzkus, L. (2020). Exploring perceptions of shift length: A state-based survey of registered nurses. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 50(9), 449-455.

Turrentine, F. E., Schroen, A. T., Hallowell, P. T., Quatrara, B. A., Smith, P. W., Williams, M. D., & Haizlip, J. A. (2020). Enhancing medical students' interprofessional teamwork through simulated room of errors experience. Journal of Surgical Research, 251, 137-145.

Haizlip, J., McCluney, C., Hernandez, M., Quatrara, B., & Brashers, V. (2020). Mattering: How organizations, patients, and peers can affect nurse burnout and engagement. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 50(5), 267-273.

Letzkus, L., Trotter,B., Gauriloff, L., Quatrara, B. (2020). Red light at night: A feasibility study to improve sleep in hospitalized patients. MEDSURG Nursing, 29(1), 38-42.

Letzkus, L., Steck, S., Miller-Davis, E., Conaway, M., & Quatrara, B. (2020). Picking up the pace: Decreasing platelet administration safely and effectively. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 52, 1-4.

Jesonowski, M., Quatrara, B., & Riordan, J. (2019). Does a provider in triage and rapid medical evaluation help with left without being seen rates and ED crowding? Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45(1), 38-45.

Quatrara, B., Brashers, V., Baernholdt, Novicoff, M., Schlag, W., Haizlip, J., Plews-Ogen, M., & Kennedy, C. (2019). Enhancing interprofessional education through patient safety and quality improvement team-training: A pre-post evaluation. Nurse Education Today, 79, 105-110.

Deivert, M., Quatrara, B., Kane, C., Sohn, M., Childress, M., & Turrentine, F. (2019). An evaluation of risk factors for extubation failure in surgical patients in intensive care. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 38(5), 256-263.

Longley, L., Simons, T., Glanzer, L., Du, C., Trinks, H., Letzkus, L., & Quatrara, B. (2018). Evaluating sleep in a surgical trauma burn intensive care unit: An elusive dilemma. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 37(2), 97-101.

George, K. L., & Quatrara, B. (2018). Interprofessional simulations promote knowledge retention and enhanceperceptions of teamwork skills in a surgical-trauma burn intensive care unit setting. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 37(3), 144-155.

Briscoe, G., Heerschap, A., Kane, C., & Quatrara, B. (2018). Using post-discharge telephone follow-up by nephrology nurses to reduce 30-day readmissions and post-discharge complications for adult patients onhemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(3), 243-267.

Haller, T., Quatrara, B., Letzkus, L., & Keim-Malpass, J. (2018). Exploring nurses’ perceptions of shift length: What are the benefits? Nursing Management, 49(1), 38-43.

Letzkus, L., Addison, N., Turner, L., & Quatrara, B. (2018). Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity and environmental factors: A pilot study. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 50(2), 88-92.

Thomas, S., Quick, L., Blevins, C., Quatrara, B., & Letzkus, L. (2017). Incongruence in perceptions: Identifying barriers to patient satisfaction in the intensive care unit. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 36(6), 349-354.

Farmer, L., Winfield, C., Quatrara, B., Letzkus, L., Schenck, P., Finneran, P., ... Conaway, M. (2017). Does site mater? Comparing accuracy and patient comfort of blood glucose samples taken from the finger and palm of the perioperative patient. PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 32(6), 573-577.

Quatrara, B. (2017). Malnutrition in the hospitalized patient: Helpful resources. MedSurg Matters, 26(3), 16.

Quatrara, B., Rea, K., Wilkins, K., & Facteau, L. (2017). Partnering to improve outcomes: The nurse executive and the clinical nurse specialist. Nurse Leader, 15(1), 61-64.

Gilbert, R. T., Farish, N., Bergland, E., Hance, J., Ketcham, S., Letzkus, L., ... Spry, A. (2017). Short-term accupressure to decrease 24-hour post-operative nausea and vomiting: Was this a case of too little, too late? Journal of Perianesthia Nursing, 32(5), 445-452.

Sauer, A., Alish, C., Strausbaugh, K., West, K., & Quatrara, B. (2016). Nurses needed: Identifying malnutrition in hospitalized older adults. Nursing Plus, 2, 21-25.

Quatrara, B., Turner, M., Pitts, N., Parks, C., Murphy, F., & Conaway, M. (2016). What is the likelihood of blood return using aspiration technique with intramuscular vaccine administration? Annals of Nursing and Practice, 3(5), 1-3.

Smit, I., Harrison, L., Letzkus, L., & Quatrara, B., (2016). What factors are associated with the development of pressure ulcers in a medical intensive care unit? Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 35(1), 37-41.

Quatrara, B., (2015). What you told us. Med-Surg Matters, 24(2), 2-15.

Henley, N., Quatrara, B. D., Conaway, M. A. (2015). A pilot study: Comparison of arm versus ankle noninvasive blood pressure measurement at 2 different levels of backrest elevation.. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 34(4), 232-235.

Addison, N., Quatrara, B., Letzkus, L., Strider, D., Rovnyak, V., Syptak, V., & Fuzy, L. (2014). Cleanliness of disposable versus non-disposable electrocardiography lead wires in children. American Journal of Critical Care, 23(5), 424-428.

Quatrara, B. (2013). Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patient. MedSurg Matters, 22(2), .

Tappenden, K., Quatrara, B., Parkhurst, M., Malone, A., Fanjiang, G., & Zeigler, T. (2013). Critical role of nutrition in improving quality of care: An interdisciplinary call to action to address hospital malnutrition. MEDSURG Nursing: The Journal of Adult Health, 22(3), 147-165.

Winfield, C., Knicely, C. Jensen, C., Taylor, S., Thomas, K., Conaway, M., Burns, S., & Quatrara, B. (2013). What is the least painful method of anesthetizing a peripheral intravenous site? Journal of Perianestheia Nursing, 28(4), 217-222.

Mahanes, D., Quatrara, B. & Shaw, D. (2013). APN led nursing rounds: An emphasis on evidence-based nursing care. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 29, 256-260.

Phillips, W., Willcutts, K. & Quatrara, B. (2013). Malnutrition prevalence study utilizing NutritionDay in the U.S. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(9), A24.

Barth, M., Quatrara, B., Burns, S. & Conaway, M. (2013). Blood conservation: What is current blood draw practice. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 36(5), 323-328.

Conway, D., Quatrara, B. & Rodreguez, L. (2012). A better fit: Industry collaboration with nurse-clinicians in the development and redesign of a pneumatic compression device. Orthopaedic Nursing, 31(6), 348-354.

Elgin, K., Burns, S., Cozzi, K., Fowler, M., Perry, S., Davis, S., Conaway, M., & Quatrara, B. (2011). Maintaining patency with packed red blood cell infusions: Comparison of IV normal saline infusion vs normal saline syringe method. MedSurg Nursing: The Journal of Adult Health, 20(3), 134-138.

Ballew, C., Buffmire, M.V., Fisher, C., Schmidt, P., Quatrara, B., Conaway, M., & Burns, S.M. (2011). Factors associated with the level of back rest elevation in a thoracic cardiovascular intensive care unit. American Journal of Critical Care, 20, 395-399.

Quatrara, B. (2011). FDA-approved pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. Practical Gastroenterology, 35(5), 19-20.

Quatrara, B. (2011). Acute pancreatitis & enteral feeding: What is the evidence? MedSurg Matters, 20(1), 8-10.

Parrish, C. R. & Quatrara, B. (2010). Reinfusion of Intestinal Secretions: A Viable Option for Select Patients. Practical Gastroenterology, , 26-40. April 2010.

Parrish, C. R. & Quatrara, B. (2010). The Art of Reinfusion of Instestinal Secretions. Supportive Oncology, 8(2), 92-96.

Payne, H., Hudson, M., Cobb, P., Porterfield, G., Jenkins, D., King, M., Arrington, V., Lane, K., Miller, R., Conaway, M., Quatrara, B., Burns, S.M. (2010). Easing the pain of pediatric venipuncture: A pilot study. HCPro's Advisor to the ANCC Magnet Recognition Program®, 6(8), .


Quatrara, B., (2014). Healthy to Undernourished: Post-Hospital Syndrome. Med-Surg Matters, Mar/Apr2014; 23(2): 3-3. 103980877

Phillips, W., Quatrara, B., (2014). Feed the Patient: A Barrier Removed. MEDSURG Nursing, Nov/Dec2014 ; 14-14. 107841325

Book Sections

Quatrara, B., & Shaw, D. (2022). The advanced practice nurse and research. In L. A. Joel (Ed.), Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (5th ed., pp. 266-276). F. A. Davis Company

Quatrara, B. D., & Shaw, K. D. (2021). Selecting advanced practice nursing outcome measures. In R. Kleinpell (Ed.), Outcome assessment in advanced practice nursing (5th ed., pp. 45-58). Springer Publishing

Quatrara, B. (2018). Gastrointestinal system. In S. M. Burns & S. A. Delgado (Eds.), AACN essentials of critical care nursing (4th ed., pp. 371-402). McGraw Hill Education.

Quatrara, B & Shaw, D. (2017). Selecting advance practice nursing outcome measure. In R. Kleinpell (Ed.), Outcome assessment in advance practice nursing (4th ed., pp. 45-58). Springer Publishing.

Quatrara, B., & Shaw, D. (2017). The advanced practice nurse and research. In L. A. Joel (Ed.), Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed., pp. 240-251). F. A. Davis.

Burns, S. & Quatrara, B (2013). The advanced practice nurse and research. In L. Joel (Ed.), Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (3rd ed., pp. ). FA Davis.

Burns, S. M. & Quatrara, B. (2013). Selecting advanced practice nursing outcome measures. In R. Kleinpell (Ed.), Outcome assessment in advanced practice nursing (3rd ed., pp. 73-92). Springer Publishing

Columns, Editorials and Op-Eds

Quatrara, B. (2014, April). Healthy to undernourished: Post-hospital syndrome. Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. 23(2), 3. Retrieved from

Quatrara, B. (2014, March). Nurses' role in nutrition care of hospitalized patients. Advance Healthcare Network for Nurses. Retrieved from

Technical and Research Reports

Tran, A., Calabrese, M., Quatrara, B., & Goeschel, C. (2022). Reinforcing the value and roles of nurses in diagnostic safety: Pragmatic recommendations for nurse leaders and educators. ().


  • Community Preparedness through Interprofessional Teamwork (Emswiller)
  • Interprofessional Symposium: Podium February 2019)
  • It Takes a Team:  Interprofessional Practice Improves Outcomes (Sigma Theta Tau Region 13 Biennial Research Conference:  Podium 2018)
  • Enhancing the Interprofessional Workforce:  Training Medical Residents & DNP Students (Emswiller Interprofessional Symposium:  Podium; February 2018)
  • Putting the Puzzle Together....Making Our Impact on Early and Effective Nutrition (AMSN Convention:  Podium; October 2017)
  • Achieving the Essentials: Integrating Interprofessional Education, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety into a DNP Curriculum (Virginia Association of Doctors of Nursing Practice: Poster. June 2017)
  • Interprofessional Collaboration in a Healthcare and Academic Environment (4th Annual Symposium for Advocates for Women in Science and Medicine: Panel. March 2017)
  • All-Cause Hospital Admissions Decreased after Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection (American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Meeting: Poster.  October 2016) 
  • Mastering the Next Level of Quality Patient Care by Addressing Malnutrition (AMSN Convention: Podium. September 2016)
  • Research Mentorship:  Engaging Nurses in Clinical Research (ANA Conference: Podium.  March 2016)
  • Abstracts: Writing for Acceptance (ANA Conference: Webinar. March 2016) 
  • Creating a Culture of Safety: The University of Virginia Curriculum for Interprofessional Education for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (AACN Doctoral Education Conference: Poster presentation: January 2016) 
  • Nurse Nutrition Leaders: Introduction (AMSN Convention: Podium.  September 2015)
  • Better Nutrition through Interprofessional Education and Collaboration (NACNS Conference: Podium presentation March 2015).
  • Integrating Nutritional Care to Optimize Patient Outcomes:  Medical-Surgical Nurses at the Forefront (AMSN Convention: Town Hall podium: September 2014)
  • Splish, Splash, Take a New Type of Bath: CNS team rapidly translates evidence into practice through the use of simulation, cost containment and integrated CNS student learning (NACNS Conference: Podium presentation: March 2014)
  • Addressing Hospital Malnutrition through Interdisciplinary Partnership (Food and Nutrition Convention and Expo podium session; October 2013)