Ben R Mayes, PhD
(Rick Mayes)
Former Medicaid policy advisor to the White House, an analyst for the AARP and a two-time University of Virginia alumnus (MA, PhD in political science), Rick Mayes, PhD, is an associate professor of nursing and a professor of public policy in the University of Richmond’s department of political science, a graduate of the University of Michigan and the University of Richmond.
At UVA, Mayes teaches "An overview of the US health care system," a popular graduate course.
Mayes, who completed his post-doctoral work at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health, has written for the New York Times, Health Affairs magazine, the Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law and the Journal of Health Law, and is the author of UNIVERSAL COVERAGE: The Elusive Quest for National Health Insurance (University of Michigan Press), co-author of MEDICARE PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT AND THE SHAPING OF U.S. HEALTH CARE (Johns Hopkins University Press), and co-author of MEDICATING CHILDREN: ADHD and Pediatric Mental Health (Harvard University Press).
Mayes has lectured on issues in health care policy, finance, delivery and organization to organizations from the Richmond Academy of Medicine to VCU's School of Medicine, the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the Miller Center.
Journal Articles
Mayes, B. R., Muir, K. J., & Pingali, H. (2024). Not what we signed up for: Nurse shortages, physician scarcity, and time for collective bargaining? World Medical & Health Policy, 16(1), 78-94. https://doi.org/10.1002/wmh3.581
Mayes, B. R., & Kislyakov, A. (2019). The physics of health care: Viewing the U.S. health-care "system" from the perspective of quantum mechanics. World Medical & Health Policy, 11(2), 177-187. https://doi.org/10.1002/wmh3.300
Book Sections
Mayes, B. R., & White, K. R. (2022). Problem identification and agenda setting: What rises to a policymaker's attention? In N. M. Short (Ed.), Health policy and politics: A nurses' guide (7th ed., pp. 102-126). Jones & Bartlett Learning