Christine Elizabeth Kueter
Christine Kueter is senior writer and editor at the School of Nursing. In that role, she writes stories and produces videos focused on faculty scholarship, remarkable students, alumni, and School events, serves as editor-in-chief of the quarterly print and digital magazine Virginia Nursing Legacy, manages the School's social media accounts, and oversees internal communications and external advertising and marketing efforts in support of student recruitment and to celebrate and raise the profile of the School of Nursing.
Before her appointment at UVA in 2012, she was a health writer, reporter, and columnist for a number of daily newspapers in Greater Boston, including The Lowell Sun, The Fitchberg Sentinel and Enterprise, and The Boston Globe. She's worked at several universities in communications roles, including Harvard, Northeastern University, and the University of Arkansas. She earned the School's Award for Innovation in 2015, served as CASE District III lead judge, and earned, with the VNL team, two CASE Awards for magazine writing and design. She is a correspondent reporter for WVTF/Radio IQ, one of Virginia's largest public radio stations.