
Advance Online Publications

Hundt, E. (2023). Disaster Preparedness Assignment Utilizing a Historical Case Study. AACN Essentials Teaching Resource Database. Advance online publication.

Hundt, E., Matthias, A.D., Smith, D.L., Woods, S., Spinney, E., Grando, V.T. (2022). AAHN position paper - Nursing history in the curriculum. American Association for the History of Nursing. Advance online publication.

Journal Articles

Arkilic, L. Z., Hundt, E., & Quatrara, B. (2024). Critical care alarm fatigue and monitor customization: Alarm frequencies and context factors. Critical Care Nurse, 44(2), 21-30.

Matthias, A., Hundt, E. (2023). The power of the past: A roadmap for integrating nursing history into the curriculum. Journal of Professional Nursing, 46, 231-237.

Hinkle, J. L., Alexander, S., Avanecean, D., Batten, J., Bautista, C., Hundt, E., & Rhudy, L. (2022). Research priority setting: The current landscape of neuroscience nursing research. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 54(2), 55-60.

Kaylor, H., Wiencek, C., & Hundt, E. A. (2022). Targeted temperature management: A program evaluation. AACN Advanced Critical Care Nurse, 33(1), 38-52.

Hundt, E. A. (2022). ’We are capable of handling the current crisis, even if it is just shift by shift:’ Nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing History Review, 30(1), 44-51.

Bautista, C., Hinkle, J. L., Alexander, S., Hundt, E. A., & Rhudy, L. (2022). A Delphi study to establish research priorities for neuroscience nursing. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 54(2), 74-79.

Anderson, J., Bartness, M., Hundt, E. & Jacelon, C. (2021). “’A little bit of their souls’: Investigating the concept of dignity for people living with dementia using caregivers’ blogs. ” Journal of Family Nursing, 27(1), 43-54.

Hundt, E. (2020). Reflections of Nightingale in the Year of the Nurse. American Nurse, 15(5), 26-29.

Anderson, J. G., Hundt, E., Dean, M., Keim-Malpass, J., & Lopez, R. (2017). “The church of online support”: Examining the use of blogs and social media among family caregivers of persons with dementia. Journal of Family Nursing, 23(1), 34-54.

Book Sections

Hundt, B., & Belmont, J. (2020). Systems and quality. In K. Keigher, S. Livesay, & J. Wessol. (Eds.), AANN comprehensive review for stroke nursing (2nd ed., pp. 317-344). American Association of Neuroscience Nurses