Elizabeth W Taliaferro-Jones, MSN, RN
With over a combined 14 years of Adult Acute Cardiology and Coronary Care Unit nursing experience, Elizabeth joined the University of Virginia School of Nursing faculty in 2005, with her Post-Masters Nursing Education Teaching Certificate. Her teaching experience includes having served as co-professor of the undergraduate 4th year Medical-Surgical Nursing course for two years, serving as a guest lecturer in the School on cardiac topics, and for many years now serving as Clinical Faculty on the Adult Acute Cardiology/ Telemetry Unit at the University of Virginia Health Systems. From 2007 to 2012, she had oversight of all online testing within the BSN and CNL curricula. At present, Elizabeth coordinates all student and faculty clinical activities within the 4th year Medical-Surgical Nursing course. Likewise, she serves in the role of Academic Clinical Coordinator, assuring Acute Care clinical placements for all unlicensed undergraduate students. Given her background, she is considered a ‘go-to’ person when it comes to questions regarding classroom and clinical teaching strategies, testing strategies (NCLEX-RN preparation), and cardiac issues. In 2014, she will participate in the implementation of "Yes, For Success," an online, in-house self-paced student tutorial that better prepares students for taking standardized tests.