Ivora D Hinton, PhD
Journal Articles
Dixon, M., White, K., Hinton, I., DeGennaro, R., & Dowling, T. (2022). A stakeholder evaluation of an RN to BSN academic progression program. Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(6), 338-344. https://doi.org/10.1097/nna.0000000000001158
DeGuzman, P. B., Vogel, D. L., Horton, B. J., Bernacchi V., Cupp, C. A., Ferrebee Ghamandi, B. J., Hinton, I. D., Sheffield, C., & Jameson, M. J. (2021). Telemedicine distress screening in rural cancer survivors during the immediate post-treatment period: Evaluation of referral uptake. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, , . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11764-021-01052-4
Hollen, P. J., Gralla, R. J., Gentzler, R., Hall, R., Coyne, B. Cheng, H., Halmos, B., Gildersleeve, J., Calderon, C., Hinton, I., Weiss, G., Crawford, J., Cerise, J., & Lesser, M. (2021). Do patients regret having received systemic treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A prospective evaluation. The Oncologist, 26(3), 224-230. https://doi.org/10.1002/onco.13571
DeGuzman, P. B., Bernacchi, V., Cupp, C. A., Dunn, B., Ferrebee Ghamandi, B. J., Hinton, I. D., et al. (2020). Beyond broadband: Digital inclusion as a driver of inequities in access to rural cancer care. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 14, 643-652. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11764-020-00874-y
Reid, K. R. Y, Reid, K., Esquivel, J. H., Thomas, S. C., Rovnyak, V., Hinton, I., & Campbell, C. (2019). Using video education to improve outcomes in heart failure. Heart and Lung, 48(5), 386-394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrtlng.2019.05.004
Goode, V., Phillips, E., DeGuzman, P., Hinton, I., Rovnyak, V., Scully, K., & Merwin, E. (2016). A patient safety dilemma: Obesity in the surgical patient. AANA Journal, 84(6), 404-412.
Goode, V., Rovnyak, V., Hinton, I., Phillips, E.K., & Merwin, E. (2016). Are international classification of diseases codes in electronic health records useful in identifying obesity as a risk factor when evaluating surgical outcomes? Health Care Manager, 35(4), 361-367. https://doi.org/10.1097/hcm.0000000000000112
Baernholdt, M., Campbell, C., Hinton, I., Yan, G, & Lewis, E. (2015). Quality of hospice care: A comparison between rural and urban residents. Journal of Health Care Quality, 30(3), 247-253. https://doi.org/10.1097/ncq.0000000000000108
O’Laughlen, M. C., Hollen, P. J., Rance, K., Rovnyak, V., Hinton, I., Hellems, M. A., & Radecki, L. (2015). A health-related quality of life measure for older adolescents with asthma: Child Health Survey for Asthma-T (Teen Version). Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 29(5), 402-412.
Baernholdt, M., Keim-Malpass, J., Hinton, I. D., Yan, G., & Bratt, M. (2014). A comparison of quality of care in critical access hospitals and other small rural hospitals. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 14(2), 3-31.
Williams, I. C., Utz, S. W., Hinton, I., Yan, G., Jones, R., & Reid, K. (2014). Enhancing diabetes self-care among rural African Americans with diabetes: Results of a two-year culturally tailored intervention. The Diabetes Educator, 40(2), 231-239. https://doi.org/10.1177/0145721713520570
O’Laughlen, M. C., Hollen, P. J., Hinton, I., Mahone, I., Xin, W. & Patrie, J. (2013). Lifetime Substance Use of Tobacco and Marijuana for Medically-at-Risk Adolescents with Asthma in Virginia. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 27(5), 321-322.
Campbell, C.L., Baernholdt, M, Yan, G., Hinton, I., & Lewis, E. (2013). Racial/ethnic perspectives on the quality of hospice care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 30(4), 347-353.
Campbell, C.L., Baernholdt, M., Yan, G., Hinton, I.D., & Lewis, E. (2013). Racial ethnic perspectives on the quality in hospice care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 30(4), 347-353. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049909112457455
Baernholdt, M., Yan, G., Hinton, I., Rose, K., & Mattos, M. (2012). Quality of life in rural and urban adults 65 years and older: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Journal of Rural Health, 28(4), 339-347. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-0361.2011.00403.x
Baernholdt, M., Hinton, I., Yan, G., Rose, K., & Mattos, M. (2011). Factors associated with quality of life in older adults in the United States. Quality of Life Research, 21(3), 527-534. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-011-9954-z
Jones, R.A., Wenzel, J., Hinton, I., Cary, M., Jones, N.R., Krumm, S., & Ford, J.G. (2011). Exploring cancer support needs for older African American men with prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 19(9), 1411-1419.
Williams, I. C., Utz, S. W., Jones, R., Hinton, I., Steeves, R., & Alexander, G. (2011). Recruitment of rural African Americans for research projects: Lessons learned. Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research, 11(1), Retrieved from http://www.resourcenter.net/images/SNRS/Files/SOJNR_articles2/Vol11Num01Art08.html.
Mahone, I.H., Farrell, S.P., Hinton, I., Moody, D., Rifkin, K., Moore, K., ... Barker, M. (2011). Participatory action research in public mental health and the school of nursing: Qualitative findings from an academic-community partnership. Journal of Participatory Medicine, 3, http://www.jopm.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=1557.
Mahone, I.H., Farrell, S.P., Hinton, I., Moody, D., Rifkin, K., Moore, K., ... Barker, M. (2011). Shared decision making in mental health treatment: Qualitative findings from stakeholder focus groups. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 25(6), e27-e36, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883941711000550.
Williams, I., Utz, S., Jones, R.A., Hinton, I., Steeves, R., & Alexander, G. (2010). Recruitment of rural African Americans for research projects: Lessons learned. Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research, 11(1), 1-17.
Stern, S., Merwin, E., Hauenstein, E., Hinton, I., Rovnyak, V., Wilson, M., Williams, I. & Mahone, I.H. (2010). The effects of rurality on mental and physical health. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 10(1), 33-66.
Kulbok, P., Meszaros, P., Botchwey, N, Hinton, I., Bovbjerg, V., Rhee, H., Anderson, N., & Noonan, D. (2010). Mother-daughter communication: a protective factor for not smoking. The Journal of Addictions Nursing, 21,(2-3), 69-78.
Jones, R.A., Wenzel, J., Hinton, I., Cary, M., Jones, N.R., Krumm, S., & Ford, J.G. (2010). Exploring cancer support needs for older African American men with prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer. Posted ahead of print on August 22, 2010 at http://www.springerlink.com/content/y58kj1, .
Hinton,I., Howell, J., Merwin,E., Stern, S., Turner, S., Williams, I., and Wilson, M. (2010). The educational pipeline for health care professionals: Understanding the source of racial differences. Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 45, No.1, p. 116-156.
Utz, S.W., Williams, I.C., Jones, R., Hinton, I., Alexander, G., Yan. G., Moore, C., Blankenship, J., Steeves, R. & Oliver, M.N. (2008). Culturally-tailored intervention for rural African Americans with type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Educator, 34(5), 854-865.
Kulbok,P. A.,Rhee,H.,Botchwey,N.,Hinton,I.,Bovbjerg,V.,Anderson,N. L. R. (2008). Factors influencing adolescents' decision not to smoke. Public Health Nursing, 25(6), 505-515.
Alexander, G.K., Utz, S.W., Hinton, I., Williams, I., & Jones, R. (2008). Culture brokerage strategies in diabetes education. Public Health Nursing, 25(5), 461-470. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1525-1446.2008.00730.x
Utz, S.W., Steeves, R.H., Wenzel, J., Hinton, I., Jones, R.A., Andrews, D., Murphy, A., & Oliver, M.N. (2006). "Working hard with it": self-management of type 2 diabetes by rural African Americans. Family and Community Health, 29(3), 195-205. PMID/16775470.
Utz,S. W.,Steeves,R. H.,Wenzel,J.,Hinton,I.,Jones,R. A.,Andrews,D.,Muphy,A.,Oliver,M. N. (2006). Working hard with it: self-management of type 2 diabetes by rural African Americans. Family & community health, 29(3), 195-205.
Jones,R. A.,Utz,S.,Wenzel,J.,Steeves,R.,Hinton,I.,Andrews,D.,Murphy,A.,Oliver,N. (2006). Use of complementary and alternative therapies by rural African Americans with type 2 diabetes. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 12(5), 34-38.
Wenzel, J., Utz, S., Steeves, R., Hinton, I., and Jones, R. (2005). Plenty of Sickness: Descriptions by African Americans living in rural areas with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Educator, 31(1), 98-107.PMID: 15779251.
Wenzel, J., Utz, S.W., Steeves, R., Hinton, I., & Jones, R.A. (2005). "Plenty of sickness": descriptions by African Americans living in rural areas with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Educator, 31(1), 98-107. PMID./ 15779251.
Wenzel,J., Utz, S. W.,Steeves, R., Hinton, I., Jones, R. A. (2005). "Plenty of sickness": descriptions by African Americans living in rural areas with type 2 diabetes.. Diabetes Educator, 31(1), 98-107.
Utz, S., Wenzel, J., Hinton, I., Jones, R., and Steeves, R. (2004). For Your Information: Commission onNursing Practice “Research Poster Session Highlights. ” Plenty of Sickness: Barriers and Facilitators toSelf-Management in Rural African Americans with Diabetes. Virginia Nurse Today, 11(4), 1-20.
Utz, S., Wenzel, J., Hinton, I., Jones, R. & Steeves, R. (2004). "Plenty of sickness": barriers and facilitators to self-management in rural African Americans with diabetes. Virginia Nurse Today, 11(4), 1-20.
Merwin, E., Hinton, I., Dembling, B., & Stern, S. (2003). Shortages of rural mental health professionals. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 17(1), 42-51. https://doi.org/10.1053/apnu.2003.1
Wilson, M. N., Kohn, L. P., Curry-El, J., & Hinton, I. D. (1995). The influence of family structure characteristics on the child-rearing behaviors of African American mothers. Journal of Black Psychology, 21(4), 450.
Tolson, T. F. J., Wilson, M. N., Hinton, I. D., Simmons, F., Staples, W., & Askew, T. (1995). An analysis of adult-child conversation patterns in diverse African American families. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 68(Summer), 59-72.
Taylor, L. C., Hinton, I. D., & Wilson, M. N. (1995). Parental influences on academic performance in African-American students. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 4(3), 293-302.
Hinton, I. D., Wilson, M. N., Solomon, H., Smith, U., Phillip, D. A., & Boyer, J. (1995). Effect of familial composition on parent-child interactions in African American families. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, (68), 73-84.
Wilson, M. N., Tolson, T. F. J., Hinton, I. D., & Kiernan, M. (1990). Flexibility and sharing of childcare duties in Black families. Sex Roles, 22(7), 409-425.
Book Sections
Warren-Leubecker, A., Tate, C. S., Hinton, I. D., & Ozbek, I. N. (1989). What do children know about the legal system and when do they know it?: First steps down a less traveled path in child witness research. In S. Ceci, M. Toglia, & D.Ross (Eds.), Perspectives on children's testimony (1st ed., pp. 158-184). Springer Verlag.