
Katrina Debnam, holds a joint faculty appointment in the Curry School of Education & Human Development and the School of Nursing at UVA. Dr. Debnam holds a psychology degree from Morgan State University, a MPH from UNC Chapel Hill, and a PhD in Public Health from the University of Maryland. Dr. Debnam has considerable expertise in research design, intervention implementation and fidelity, process and outcome evaluation, and data analysis and management within large school-based randomized controlled trials. As a researcher and scientist at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health for over 13 years, she honed an interest in mixed method research approaches to combatting adolescent dating abuse, promoting adolescent violence prevention, culturally responsive schools, school climate initiatives, and faith-based programs that aim to improve young people’s lives. 

Dr. Debnam is on the editorial board of the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, chair of the Early Career Preventionists Network for the Society for Prevention Research, and reviews manuscripts for a host of journals, including Prevention Science, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, and the Journal of Research on Adolescence. A member of the Maryland team that leads management, implementation and evaluation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in more than 800 public schools, she teaches a course on mixed methods research to both nursing and education students.


Dr. Debnam will be accepting a student for Fall 2020 in the PhD program.

Research Focus

Teen dating violence, youth violence prevention, school climate, spirituality

Teaching Focus

Mixed methods research, program evaluation, scholarly writing


Journal Articles

Lindstrom-Johnson, S., Pas, E. T., Debnam, K. J., Kaihoi, C. A., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2023). Effects of an MTSS-B Intervention on Student and Staff Perceptions of School Climate: Findings from Two Group Randomized Trials. School Psychology Review, 2023, 1-14.

Debnam, K. J., Henderson, L., Aguayo, D., Reinke, W., & Herman, K. (2023). Nominated exemplar teacher perceptions of culturally responsive practices in the classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education, 125, 104062.

Elmore, C., Mitchell, E. M., Debnam, K., Keim-Malpass, J., Tanabe, K. O., & Hauck, F. R. (2022). Predictors of cervical cancer screening for refugee women attending an international family medicine clinic in the United States. Cancer Causes and Control, 33(10), 1295-1304.

Debnam, K. J., Edwards, K., Maeng, J., & Cornell, D. (2022). Educational leaders’ perceptions and uses of school climate data. Journal of School Leadership, 32(4), 362-383.

Debnam, K. J., Milam, A. J., & Finigan-Carr, N. (2022). Superwoman, racial identity, and teen dating violence victimization among young black women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(17-18), NP15970-NP15991.

Diaz Ramos, N., Alvarez, C., & Debnam, K. (2021). Teen dating violence and the acceptability of a safety-decision aid: Perspectives from Puerto Rican youth. Hispanic Health Care International, 19(3), 146-154.

Debnam, K. J., Milam, A., Bottiani, J., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2021). Teacher-student incongruence in perceptions of school equity: Associations with student perceived connectedness in middle and high school. Journal of School Health, 91(9), 706-713.

Thomas, D. E., Bradshaw, C. P., Bottiani, J. H., McDaniel, H., & Debnam, K. J. (2021). Coping power in the city: Promoting coping in African American male students. Professional School Counseling, 25, 0.

Debnam, K. J., Edwards, K., & Cornell, D. (2021). Improving the school environment: School staff perceptions of school climate data and reporting practices. Journal of Community Psychology, 49(6), 1965-1982.

Laughon, K., Bloom, T., Amar, A. F., & Debnam, K. (2021). Conceptualizing an approach to secondary prevention of relationship violence among college students. Journal of American College Health, 69(7), 798-805.

Bradshaw, C. P., Pas, E. T., Debnam, K. J., & Johnson, S. L. (2021). A randomized controlled trial of MTSS-B in high schools: Improving classroom management to prevent EBDs. Remedial and Special Education, 42(1), 44-59.

Debnam, K. J. & Temple, J. R. (2021). Dating matters and the future of teen dating violence prevention. Prevention Science, 22(2), 187-192.

Debnam, K. J., & Mauer, V. (2021). Who, when, how, and why bystanders intervene in physical and emotional teen dating violence. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 22(1), 54-67.

Debnam, K. J., & Kumodzi, T. (2021). Adolescent perceptions of an interactive mobile application to respond to teen dating violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13-14), 6828-6837.

Lindstrom Johnson, S., Alfonso, Y. N., Pas, E., Debnam, K., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2020). Scaling-up positive behavioral interventions and supports: Costs and their distribution across state, districts, and schools. School Psychology Review, 49(4), 399-414.

Bradshaw, C. P., Debnam, K. J., Player, D., Bowden, B., & Lindstrom Johnson, S. (2020). A mixed-methods approach for embedding cost analysis within fidelity assessment in school-based programs. Behavioral Disorders, 0, 0.

Howard, D. E., Debnam, K. J., Jones, C., Saboori, Z., Aiken, N., & O’Brien, S. A. (2020). Personal Religiosity and Adolescent Females’ Characterizations of Healthy Dating Dynamics. Children and Teenagers, 3(II), 11-35.

Gaias, L. M., Lindstrom Johnson, S., Bottiani, J. H., Debnam, K. J., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2019). Examining teachers' classroom management profiles: Incorporating a focus on culturally responsive practice. Journal of School Psychology, 76, 124-139.

Cash, A. H., Debnam, K. J., Waasdorp, T., Wahl, M., Bradshaw, C. P. (2019). Adult and student interactions in nonclassroom settings. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(1), 104-117.

Pas, E., Johnson, S., Debnam, K., & Bradshaw, C. (2019). Examining the relative utility of fidelity of PBIS implementation scores in relation to student outcomes. Remedial and Special Education, 40(1), 6-15.

Alvarez, C., Debnam, K., Clough, A., Alexander, K., & Glass, N. (2018). Responding to intimate partner violence: Healthcare providers’ current practices and views on integrating a safety decision aid into primary care settings. Research in Nursing & Health, 41(2), 1-11.

Debnam, K. J., Saha, S., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2018). Synthetic and other drug use among high school students: The role of perceived prevalence, access, and harms. Substance Use and Misuse, 53(12), 2069-2076.

Debnam, K., Lindstrom Johnson, S., Colome, S., Bran, J., & Upadhya, K. (2018). The impact of adolescent dating violence training for primary care providers. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32(2), 19-26.

Bradshaw, C. P, Pas, E. T., Bottiani, J., Debnam, K. J., Reinke, W., Herman, K., & Rosenberg, M. (2018). Promoting cultural responsivity and student engagement through double check coaching of classroom teachers: An efficacy study. School Psychology Review, 47(2), 118-134.

Milam, A., Jones, C., Debnam, K., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2017). School environments and obesity: The mediating role of personal stress. Journal of Community Psychology, 45(VI), 715-726.

Ludin, S., Bottiani, J. H., Debnam, K., Solis, M. G. O., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2017). A cross-national comparison of risk factors for teen dating violence in Mexico and the United States. Journal of youth and adolescence, 47(III), 547-559.

Howard, D. E., Debnam, K. J., & Strauss, A. (2017). “I’m a stalker and proud of it”: Adolescent girls’ perceptions of the mixed utilities associated with internet and social networking use in their dating relationships. Youth & Society, 49(3), 271-294.

Parker, E., Lindstrom Johnson, S., Milam, A., Debnam, K. J., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2017). Teen dating violence victimization among high school students: A multilevel analysis of school level risk factors. Journal of School Health, 87(IX), 696-704.

Bottiani, J.H., Larson, K., Debnam, K., Bischoff, C., & Bradshaw, C.P. (2017). Promoting educators’ use of culturally responsive practices: A systematic review of in-service interventions. Journal of Teacher Education, 69(IV), 367-385.

Debnam, K. J., Milam, A. J., Mullen, M. M., Lacey, K., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2017). The Moderating Role of Spirituality in the Association between Stress and Substance Use Among Adolescents: Differences by Gender. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(IV), 818-828.

Debnam, K. J., Waasdorp, T., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2016). Examining the contemporaneous occurrence of bullying and teen dating violence victimization. School Psychology Quarterly, 31(1), 76-90.

Debnam, K. J., Milam, A., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2016). The role of stress and spirituality in adolescent substance use. Substance Use and Misuse, 51(6), 733-741.

Debnam, K. J., Howard, D. E., Garza, M. A., & Green, K. M. (2016). African American girls’ ideal dating relationship now and in the future. Youth and Society, 0(0), 1-24.

Parker, E. M., Debnam, K., Pas, E. T., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2016). Exploring the link between alcohol and marijuana use and teen dating violence victimization among high school students: The influence of school context. Health Education & Behavior, 43(5), 528-36.

Phelan, E. A., Debnam, K. J., Anderson, L. A., & Owens, S. B. (2015). A systematic review of intervention studies to prevent hospitalizations of community-dwelling older adults with dementia. Medical Care, 53, 207-13.

Pas, E.T., Cash, A.H., O’Brennan, L., Debnam, K., & Bradshaw, C.P. (2015). Profiles of classroom behavior in high schools: Associations with teacher behavior management strategies and classroom composition. Journal of School Psychology, 53(1), 137-148.

Howard, D. E., Debnam, K. J., Cham, H., Czinn, A., Aiken, N., Jordan, J., & Goldman, R. (2015). The (mal) adaptive value of mid-adolescent dating relationship labels. Journal of Primary Prevention, 36(3), 187-203.

Debnam, K. J., Pas, E. T., *Bottiani, J., Cash, A., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2015). An examination of the association between observed and self-reported culturally responsive teaching practices. Psychology in the Schools, 52, 533-548.

Bradshaw, C. P, Pas, E. T., Debnam, K. J., & Lindstrom Johnson, S. (2015). A Focus on Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in High Schools: Associations With Bullying and Other Indicators of School Disorder. School Psychology Review, 44(4), 480-498.

Holt, Cheryl L., Clark, E. M., Debnam, K, & Roth, D. (2014). Religion and health in African Americans: The role of religious coping. American Journal of Health Behavior, 38, 190-199.

Holt, Cheryl L., Clark, E. M., Roth, D., & Debnam, K. (2014). Positive self-perceptions as a mediator of religious involvement and health behaviors in a national sample of African Americans. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 102-112.

Debnam, K. J., Johnson, S. L., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2014). Examining the association between bullying and adolescent concerns about teen dating violence. Journal of School Health, 84, 421-428.

Debnam, K. J., Johnson, S. L., Waasdorp, T., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2014). Equity, connection, and engagement in the school context to promote positive youth development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24, 447-459.

Debnam, K. J., Howard, D. E, & Garza, M. E. (2014). “If you don’t have honesty in a relationship, then there is no relationship”: African American girls’ characterization of healthy dating relationships, a qualitative study. Journal of Primary Prevention, 35, 397-407.

Bradshaw, C.P., Waasdorp, T.E., Debnam, K.J., & Lindstrom Johnson, S. (2014). Measuring school climate: A focus on safety, engagement, and the environment. Journal of School Health, 84, 593-604.

Bradshaw, C.P., Debnam, K.D., Lindstrom Johnson, S., Pas, E.T., Hershfeldt, P., Alexander, A., Barrett, S., & Leaf, P.J. (2014). Maryland’s evolving system of social, emotional, and behavioral interventions in the public schools: The maryland safe and supportive schools project. Adolescent Psychiatry, 4, 194-206.

Holt, C. L., Litaker, M., Scarinci, I. C., Debnam, K., McDavid, C., McNeal, S. F., Eloubeidi, M., Crowther, M., Bolland, J., & Martin, M. Y. (2013). Spiritually-based intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening among African Americans: Screening and theory-based outcomes from a randomized trial. Health Education & Behavior, 40, 458-468.

Howard, D. E., Debnam, K. J., & Wang, M. Q. (2013). 10 year trends in physical dating violence victimization among U. S. adolescent females. Journal of School Health, 83, 389-399.

Debnam, K. J., Pas, E., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2013). Factors influencing staff perceptions of administrator support for tier 2 and 3 interventions: A multilevel perspective. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 21, 116-126.

Lindstrom-Johnson, S., Waasdorp, T., Debnam, K. J., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2013). The role of bystander perceptions and school climate in influencing victims’ responses to bullying: To retaliate or seek support. Journal of Criminology, 0(0), 1-10.

Debnam, K., Holt, Cheryl L., Clark, E. M., Roth, D., & Southward, P. L. (2012). Religious and general social support and health lifestyle behaviors in a national sample of African Americans. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 35, 179-189.

Debnam, K., Holt, Cheryl L., Clark, E. M., Roth, D., Foushee, H. R., Crowther, M., Fouad, M., & Southward, P. L. (2012). Spiritual health locus of control and health behaviors in a national sample of African Americans. American Journal of Health Behavior, 36, 360-372.

Debnam, K. J., Pas, E., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2012). Secondary and tertiary support systems in schools implementing school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS): A descriptive analysis. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 14, 142-152.

Bottiani, J. H.,* Bradshaw, C. P., Rosenberg, M. S., Hershfeldt, P. A., Pell, K. L., & Debnam, K. J. (2012). Applying Double Check to response to intervention: Culturally responsive practices for learning disabilities. Insight on Learning Disabilities: Prevailing Theories to Validated Practices, 9, 93-107.

Howard, D. E., Debnam, K. J., Wang, M. Q., & Gilchrist, B. (2012). 10 year trends in physical dating violence victimization among U. S. adolescent males. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 32, 283-305.

Holt, C. L., Scarinci, I. C., Debnam, K., McDavid, C., Litaker, M., McNeal, S. F., Southward, V., Lee, C., Eloubeidi, M., Crowther, M., Bolland, J., & Martin, M. Y. (2012). Spiritually based intervention to increase colorectal cancer awareness among African Americans: Intermediate outcomes from a randomized trial. Journal of Health Communication, 17(1), 1028-1049.

Debnam, K. & Beck, K. H. (2011). Driving while Black: A comparison of the beliefs, concerns and behaviors of Black and White maryland drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12, 599-603.

Holt, C. L., Clark, E. M., Debnam, K., Williams, B., Schulz, E., & Wang, M. Q. (2010). Social and Religious Support in Physical and Emotional Functioning in a National Sample of African Americans. In Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 39(1), 216.

Holt, C. L., Wynn, T. A., Debnam, K., Litaker, M., Jeames, S., Schoenberger, Y., Southward, P.,& Simons, V. (2010). Cancer awareness in alternative settings: Lessons learned and evaluation of the barbershop men’s health project. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 4, 100-110.

Bradshaw, C. P., Debnam, K. J., Koth, C. W., & Leaf, P. J. (2009). Preliminary validation of the implementation phases inventory (IPI) for assessing fidelity of school-wide positive behavior supports. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 11, 145-160.

Book Sections

Bottiani, J. H., Henderson Smith, L. J., Franco, M. D., Bradshaw, C. P., & Debnam, K. J. (2023). Triangulation of data: Using student, teacher, and parent data to improve school climate. In T. P. LaSalle (Ed.), Creating an inclusive school climate: A school psychology model for supporting marginalized students (pp. 231-255). Taylor & Francis Press

Ludin, S. & Debnam, K. J. (2023). Prevention in primary education: effective interventions for middle and high school students. In H. W. Wilson & C. Kham (Eds.), Facing Campus Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence With Courage: A Guide for Institutions and Clinicians on Prevention, Support, and Healing (pp. 23-38). American Psychiatric Association Publishing

Debnam, K. J., Bradshaw, C. P., Pas, E. H., & Lindstrom-Johnson, S. (2015). School as a unit of analysis in group randomized controlled trials. In K. Bosworth (Eds.), Prevention science in school settings: Complex relationships and processes (pp. 247-269). Springer