Marianne Baernholdt, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
UVA School of Nursing’s seventh dean, Marianne Baernholdt, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, has dedicated the expanse of her nursing career to teaching and mentoring students and junior faculty. A leading scholar of care quality and safety with an emphasis on healthcare in rural and global environments, she is also a champion of clinician well-being and workforce development.
Since becoming dean in 2022, Baernholdt has focused her work in several key areas, guided by the School’s 2030 Strategic Plan, including expanding nursing program pathways, establishing new on-ramps for nursing faculty, making market adjustments to strengthen and align faculty salaries, and deepening ties to UVA Health by assisting with on-boarding, mentoring, and retention programs.
Prior to her tenure at UVA, Dean Baernholdt was associate dean of global initiatives, interim dean of research, and a founding director of UNC Chapel Hill School of Nursing’s Pan American Health Organization/WHO Collaborating Center in Quality and Safety Education in Nursing and Midwifery. At Virginia Commonwealth University, she was founding director of the Langston Center for Quality, Safety, and Innovation. With degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Pace, and the Bispebjerg School of Nursing in her native Denmark, Baernholdt was named a Virginia Business magazine “Top Person to Meet in 2023,” and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
During Dean Baernholdt’s tenure, the School has been named a “Best School for Men in Nursing” by the American Association for Men in Nursing and remains in the top 3% of American graduate nursing programs, and Virginia’s best, according to U.S. News & World Report.
- Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL)
- Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN)
Research Focus
Quality and safety; healthy work environments; workplace bullying; global and rural healthcare and health interventions.Publications
Journal Articles
Phonyiam, R., Baernholdt, M., & Hodges, E.A. (2023). Self-management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in pregnancy and breastfeeding experiences among women in Thailand: Study protocol. PLOS ONE, 18(6), e0286646-0286646. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0286646
Baernholdt, M., Dunton, N., Grandfield, E. M., & Cramer, E. (2023). Quality indicators in critical access hospitals and small rural and urban hospitals. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 23(1), 1-23.
Tan, A., Knafl, G. J., Baernholdt, M., Fraher, E., & Jones, C. B. (2023). Where are the critical care nurses? A statewide analysis of actively practicing nurses’ transitions out of the clinical area. Nursing Outlook, 71(3), 101947.
McBride, S., Alexander, G., Baernholdt, M., Vugrin, M., & Epstein, E. (2023). Scoping review: Positive and negative impact of technology on clinicians. Nursing Outlook, 71(2), 101918. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2023.101918
Kim, S., Kitzmiller, R., Baernholdt, M., Lynn, M. R., & Jones, C. B. (2023). Patient safety culture: The impact on workplace violence and health worker burnout. Workplace Health & Safety, 71(2), 78-88. https://doi.org/10.1177/21650799221126364
Tark, A., Estrada, L. V., Stone, P. W., Baernholdt, M., & Buck, H. G. (2023). Systematic review of conceptual and theoretical frameworks used in palliative care and end-of-life care research studies. Palliative Medicine, 37(1), 10-25. https://doi.org/10.1177/02692163221122268
Jennings, B. M., Baernholdt, M., & Hopkinson, S. G. (2022). Exploring the turbulent nature of nurses’ workflow. Nursing Outlook, 70(3), 440-450. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2022.01.002
Orr, S., Efstathiou, N., Baernholdt, M., & Vanderspank-Wright, B. (2022). ICU clinicians’ experiences of terminal weaning and extubation. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 63(5), e521-e528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2022.01.016
Paulus, A., Baernholdt, M., Kear, T., Jones, T., & Thacker, L. (2021). Factors associated with hospital readmissions among U. S. dialysis facilities. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 44(2), 59-68. https://doi.org/10.1097/JHQ.0000000000000300
Beale, N., Carroll, W., Aldrich, K., Alexander, S., Baernholdt, M., & Fields, W. (2021). The fingerprint of nursing: What a unique nurse identifier means for our future. The American Nurse, 16(9), 21-24.
Baernholdt, M., Jones, T. L. Anusiewicz, C. V., Campbel, C. M., Montgomery, A., & Patrician, P. A. (2021). Development and testing of the quality improvement self-efficacy inventory. Western Journal of Nursing, 44(2), 159-168. https://doi.org/10.1177/0193945921994158
Beaird, G., Baernholdt, M., Byon, H. D., & White, K. R. (2021). Interprofessional rounding design features and associations with collaboration and team effectiveness. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 35(3), 343-351. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2020.1768058
Campbel, C. M., Prapanjaroensin, A., Anusiewicz, C. V., Baernholdt, M., Jones, T., & Patrician, P. (2020). Variables associated with missed nursing care in Alabama: A cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Nursing Management, 28, 2174-2184. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.12979
Beaird, G., Baernholdt, M, & White, K. R. (2020). Perceptions of interdisciplinary rounding practices. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(7-8), 1141-1150. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15161
Montgomery, A. A., Azuero, A. A., Baernholdt, M., Loan, L. A., Miltner, R. S., Qu, H. A., Raju, D., & Patrician, P. (2020). Nurse burnout predicts self-reported medication administration errors in acute care hospitals. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 43(1), 13-23.
Smith, S., Baernholdt, M. & Elias, B. (2019). The role of interdisciplinary faculty in nursing education: a national survey. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(5), 393-397. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.03.001
Campbell, C., & Baernholdt, M. (2016). A palliative care learning needs assessment and training in Mpumlalnga province South Africa. Journal of the Poor and Underserved, 27, 440-449.
Baernholdt, M., Campbell, C., Hinton, I., Yan, G, & Lewis, E. (2015). Quality of hospice care: A comparison between rural and urban residents. Journal of Health Care Quality, 30(3), 247-253. https://doi.org/10.1097/ncq.0000000000000108
Baernholdt, M., Keim-Malpass, J., Hinton, I. D., Yan, G., & Bratt, M. (2014). A comparison of quality of care in critical access hospitals and other small rural hospitals. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 14(2), 3-31.
Keim-Malpass, J., Baernholdt, M., Erickson, J.M., Ropka, M.E., Schroen, A.T., & Steeves, R.H. (2013). Blogging through cancer: Young women’s persistent problems shared online. Cancer Nursing, 36(2), 163-172.
Lewis, E. J., Baernholdt, M., & Hamric, A. B. (2013). The nurse experience of medical error, an integrative literature review. The Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 28(2), 153-161.
Struwe, J. H., Baernholdt, M., Nørholm, V. & Lind, J. (2013). Organization of nursing: An important factor for continuity of care for stroke patients. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(1), 141-152.
Epstein, E.G., Rovnyak, V., Miles, A. & Baernholdt, M. (2013). Parents' perceptions of continuity of care in the NICU: Preliminary testing of an instrument and implications for the nurse-parent relationship. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 27(2), 168-175. https://doi.org/10.1097/jpn.0b013e31828eafbb
Campbell, C.L., Baernholdt, M, Yan, G., Hinton, I., & Lewis, E. (2013). Racial/ethnic perspectives on the quality of hospice care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 30(4), 347-353.
Rigney, D. & Baernholdt, M. (2013). Using problem solving for better health nursing (PSBH) in a clinical nurse leader program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29, 10-13.
Baernholdt, M., Drake, E., Maron, F., & Neymark, K. (2013). Fostering internationalization: An American–Danish semester-long undergraduate nursing student exchange program. International Nursing Review, 60(2), 221-227. https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12005
Baernholdt, M, Jennings, B. & Lewis, E. (2013). A pilot study of staff nurses' perceptions of factors that influence quality of care in critical access hospitals. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 28(4), 352-359. https://doi.org/10.1097/ncq.0b013e31829fad73
Keim-Malpass, J., Baernholdt, M., Erickson, J. M., Ropka, M. E., Schroen, A.T., & Steeves, R. H. (2013). Blogging through cancer: Young women’s persistent problems shared online. Cancer Nursing, 36(2), 163-172. https://doi.org/10.1097/NCC.0b013e31824eb879
Campbell, C.L., Baernholdt, M., Yan, G., Hinton, I.D., & Lewis, E. (2013). Racial ethnic perspectives on the quality in hospice care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 30(4), 347-353. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049909112457455
Baernholdt, M., Yan, G., Hinton, I., Rose, K., & Mattos, M. (2012). Quality of life in rural and urban adults 65 years and older: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Journal of Rural Health, 28(4), 339-347. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-0361.2011.00403.x
Baernholdt, M., Hinton, I., Yan, G., Rose, K., & Mattos, M. (2011). Factors associated with quality of life in older adults in the United States. Quality of Life Research, 21(3), 527-534. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-011-9954-z
Baernholdt, M., & Cottingham, S. (2011). The Clinical Nurse Leader - new nursing role with global implications. International Nursing Review, 58(1), 74-78.
Baernholdt, M., Cox, K. & Scully, K. (2010). Using Hospital Clinical Data to Capture Nurse Workload: Implications for Staffing. Computers Informatics Nursing, 28(4), 229-234.
Baernholdt, M., Jennings, B., Merwin, E. and Thornlow, D. (2010). What does Quality Care Mean to Nurses in Rural Hospitals? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 6(6), 1346-1355.
Leeman,J.,Baernholdt,M.,Sandelowski,M. (2007). Developing a theory-based taxonomy of methods for implementing change in practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 58(2), 191-200.
Baernholdt,M.,Lang,N. M. (2007). Government chief nursing officers' perceptions of barriers to using research on staffing. International nursing review, 54(1), 49-55.
Baernholdt,M.,Clarke,S. P. (2006). Internet research in an international context.. Applied Nursing Research, 19(1), 48-50.
Baernholdt,M.,Lang,N. M. (2003). Why an ICNP? Links among quality, information and policy. International nursing review, 50(2), 73-78.
Baernholdt,M.,Mark,H. (2001). An internship at the International Council of Nurses.. American Journal of Nursing, 101(11), 81-83.
Baernholdt,M. (2001). ICN. den globale sygepleje (ICN. Global Nursing). Sygeplejersken, 101(13), 30-33.
Baernholdt, M., & Boyle, D. K. (2021). Nurses' Contributions to Quality Health Outcomes. Springer Publishing.
Book Sections
Baernholdt, M., Shellian, B., & Petermann, V. (2024). Global rural nursing practice. In E.E. Friberg & J.L. Creasia (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (35 ed., pp. 248-263). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier, Inc.
Baernholdt, M. & Leak, A. B. (2023). Implementing the plan. In B. Patton, M. Zalon, & R. Ludwick (Eds.), Nurses making policy: From bedside to boardroom (3rd ed., pp. 243-272). Springer Publishing Company
Baernholdt, M., & Bryant, A. L. (2022). Implementing the plan. In R. M. Patton, M. L. Zalon, & R. Ludwick (Eds.), Nurses making policy: From bedside to boardroom (3rd ed., pp. 100-125). Springer Publishing and American Nurses Association. The royalty from this book supports a nurse internship in the White House.
Hogh, A., Clausen, T., Bickmann, L., Hansen, A., Conway, P, & Baernholdt, M. (2019). Consequences of workplace bullying for individuals, organizations, and society. In P. D'Cruz (Ed.), Pathways of Job-Related Negative Behaviour: Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse, and Harassment, vol. 2 (pp. 1-25). Springer Publishing.
Baernholdt, M. (2017). Rural health. In J. Fitzpatrick, & M. W. Kazer (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Nursing Research, 4th ed (pp. 100-125). Springer Publishing.
Baernholdt, M., Schexnayder, J., & Winston, M. (2016). Global rural nursing practice. In E. E. Friberg & J. L. Creasia (Eds.), Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, 6th edition (pp. 100-125). Elsevier.
Baernholdt, M. (2012). Rural health. In J. Fitzpatrick & M. W. Kazer (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (3rd ed.) (pp. 454-457). Springer Publishing Company.
Baernholdt,M.,Reid,K.,Dennison,P. (2009). Building and adapting current graduate programs into clinical nurse leader. In Fitzpatrick,J., Wallace,M. (Eds.), The doctorate of nursing practice & clinical nurse leader: essentials of program development & implementation into clinical practice (pp. 119-136). Springer Publishing Co.