Regina M DeGennaro, DNP, CNS, RN, AOCN, CNL
As an oncology clinical nurse specialist, Dr. DeGennaro has enjoyed collaboration with practice-setting colleagues to advance oncology nursing practice and optimize patient care outcomes. She partners with colleagues to develop practice sites for clinical learning opportunities and prepares faculty for roles as educators across programs.
With a BSN from Niagara University in New York, she has held positions in clinical practice settings, academia, management, administration, home health and hospice around the country. Her MSN and DNP degrees were focused on oncology nursing symptom management and completed at UVA. She provided oncology and palliative care nursing leadership at UVA Health prior to her academic position at the UVA School of Nursing in 2003.
Dr. DeGennaro teaches across programs and has developed two elective courses with colleagues and based on student feedback. One is a course in Oncology and End of Life Nursing, and the other addresses self-management and healthy responses to stress and is titled "Practicing Wisdom and Resilience." Dr. DeGennaro serves as a national reviewer for the Oncology Nursing Society and as a regional reviewer for the Virginia Nurses Association. She is an active member and leader in the Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma, the International Honor Society of Nursing.
[MUSIC PLAYING] GINA DEGENNARO: Hello, I'm Gina DeGennaro. I'm a professor of nursing here at the University of Virginia School of Nursing. I have been with the school for a long time. I teach across all the programs.
Nursing is a fabulous career, because you can do so much in nursing. You can be a nurse in an outpatient setting. You can go visit people in their homes. Skilled nurses work in hospitals. They work in critical care areas. They go on to become nurse practitioners, advanced practice nurses, clinical nurse specialists. They go on to advance and get their doctorate in nursing practice, and they go on to be researchers and get a doctor of philosophy degree.
So there are so many different options. You can always change who you are. If you are moving to another place, there's always going to be an opportunity to be a nurse. So nursing is a fabulous career. And to be able to be a nurse and to come out of the University of Virginia School of Nursing is really a wonderful opportunity. So I invite all of you to consider that wonderful opportunity to join us here at the School of Nursing.
The school of nursing, the University of Virginia School of Nursing, to me is inspirational in one word. We have an opportunity here to develop relationships with each other, to be in relationship with each other. We are a small school. In terms of all of us as advisors and faculty know our students very well, care about our students very well, and really work hard to help advance our students and help them get to the next level. We love our students.
Journal Articles
Dixon, M., White, K., Hinton, I., DeGennaro, R., & Dowling, T. (2022). A stakeholder evaluation of an RN to BSN academic progression program. Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(6), 338-344. https://doi.org/10.1097/nna.0000000000001158
Drake, E., DeGennaro, G., Kuhn, D. (2022). Master’s prepared Clinical Nurse Leaders: Two to ten years post-graduation. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 37(4), 307-312. https://doi.org/10.1097/ncq.0000000000000632
Waseem, H., Ginex, P. K., Sivakumaran, K., DeGennaro, G. M., Lagler-Clark, S., LeFebvre, K. B., Palmer, N., Pasumarthi, T., Rieger, P., Thoele, K., & Morgan, R. L., (2022). Interventions to support adherence to oral anticancer medications: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncology Nursing Forum, 49(4), E4-16. https://doi.org/10.1188/22.ONF.E4-E16
Reid, K., & DeGennaro, R. (2021). Strategies for successfully completing a Doctor of Nursing Practice. Nursing, 51(10), 11-14. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.nurse.0000791744.39452.01
Ginex, P., Waseem, H., Sivakumaran, K., Lagler-Clark, S., Palmer, N., Pasumarthi, T., LeFebvre, K., DeGennaro, R., Rieger, P., Morgan, R., ONS Adherence Systematic Review Panel. (2021). Technology interventions to support adherence to oral anticancer medications: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(28), 320. https://doi.org/10.1200/jco.2020.39.28_suppl.320
Matzke, C., DeGennaro, R., & Howie-Esquivel, J. (2021). Incorporating TeamSTEPPS training to improve staff collaboration in an academic level 1 emergency and trauma center. International Emergency Nursing, 55, 100959.
Choi, M., & DeGennaro, R. (2020). Multimodal education program to improve nurses' knowledge and confidence on delirium recognition in a surgical-trauma intermediate-care setting. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice, 13(1), 31-41. https://doi.org/10.1891/2380-9418.jdnp-d-19-00030
Akuamoah-Boateng, K. A, Wiencek, C., Esquivel, J. H., DeGennaro, G., Torres, B., & Whelan, J. F. (2019). RAMPED-UP: The development and testing of an interprofessional collaboration model. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 26(6), 281-289. https://doi.org/10.1097/JTN.0000000000000466
Blevins, C. & DeGennaro, R. (2018). Educational intervention to improve delirium recognition by nurses. American Journal of Critical Care, 27(4), 270-278. https://doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2018851
Harmon, R. B., DeGennaro, R., Norling, M., Kennedy, C., & Fontaine, D. K. (2018). Implementing healthy work environment standards in an academic workplace: An update. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(1), 20-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2017.06.001
Mitchell, S.A., Hoffman, A.J., Clark, J.C., DeGennaro, R.M., Poirier, P., Robinson, C.B., & Weisbrod, B.L. (2014). Putting evidence into practice: An update of evidence-based interventions for cancer-related fatigue during and following treatmnet. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 18(s6), 38-58. https://doi.org/10.1188/14.cjon.s3.38-58
Book Sections
Albrecht, T., & DeGennaro, R. (2022). Cancer related fatigue. In J. A. Eggert, K. L. Byar, & L. S. Park (Eds.), Cancer basics (3rd ed., pp. 0). Oncology Nursing Society.
Barbero, E. D., DeGennaro, R. M., & Friberg, E. E. (2020). The wisdom of self-care, well-being, and resilience in nursing. In E. E. Friberg (Ed.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (7th ed., pp. 348-358). Elsevier, Inc.
DeGennaro, R. M. (2020). Professional nursing roles. In E. E. Friberg (Ed.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (7th ed., pp. 37-59). Elsevier, Inc.
DeGennaro, R. M., Beard, M., Teeple-Pauly, C., & Russell, C. (2004). Neoplastic Diseases and basic concepts of oncology nursing. In T. H. Bickston & L. H. Blackbourne (Eds.), Medical-surgical nursing recall (1st ed., pp. 164-203). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
DeGennaro, R. M., Beard, M., Teeple-Pauly, C., & Russell, C. (2004). Neoplastic diseases and basic concepts of oncology nursing. In T. H. Bickston & L. H. Blackbourne (Eds.), Medical-surgical nursing recall (1st ed., pp. 164-203). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.