Frequently Asked Questions


Proposal Submission Processes 

I want to apply for a grant. How do I get started?

Please fill out the Intent to Submit Form which helps us gather key details about your proposal. Once submitted, the senior grants administrator will review your information and follow up to provide guidance on next steps.

If you have immediate questions, email

Where can I find the University of Virginia's employer identification number (EIN, also called the federal entity number, or FEN), its universal numbering system (DUNS), or unique entity identifier (UEI) numbers?
  • UVA's official name - The Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia
  • EIN/FEN: 546001796
  • DUNS: 065391526

This information is additionally available on the Office of Sponsored Programs website.

Where can I find a UVA-specific National Institutes of Health (NIH) facilities and resources template?

Submissions to the NIH require identifying the facilities and resources that will be used for the proposed activities. Find templates here (internal access only).

How much lead time should I provide ONR and the Office of Sponsored Programs when submitting my proposal?

Ideally, you should provide at least five business days prior to the sponsor's submission deadline to allow sufficient time for review. Please verify specific deadlines with the senior grants administrator or by emailing ONR.

Am I able to sign the terms and conditions for proposals myself?

No, the Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for reviewing and signing agreements. The University, not the principal investigator, is the official recipient of the award, which protects faculty and researchers from individual liability.

How can I verify whether I am eligible to submit a proposal when there are limited submission opportunities?

Confirm your eligibility with the senior grants administrator or the ONR.

Should I assign a proxy while I am out of the office?

If you are awaiting an award or agreement, it is advisable to assign a proxy. You can do this by navigating to Research UVA PBH > Conflict of Interest (COI) tab > Disclosures > Assign Proxy.


Budget and Funding Questions

Who should I contact for assistance in preparing a budget?

ONR has budget templates (internal access only) that offer examples of the style and layout of information needed for a budget as part of a grant proposal. While you can use these budget templates to create your own, ONR staff are often develop budgets with faculty scientists and grantees, side-by-side, to meet their project’s needs and the needs of the funding bodies to which they are applying.

Please email the senior grants administrator to discuss developing a budget and your budgetary needs.

What are indirect costs?

Indirect costs are those not directly attributed to a specific project or organizational activity but which are necessary for general operations. According to the NIH, after direct costs are determined and charged directly to a funded project, indirect costs are “those costs not readily identified with a specific project or organizational activity but incurred for the joint benefit of both."

UVA’s cognizant agency is the Department of Health and Human Services. Current rates for indirect costs are here.


Research Compliance

What do I need to be eligible to submit a grant proposal?
  • a current conflict of interest (COI) training
    Required every four years and may be completed through CITI COI Training
  • an updated COI disclosure profile
    Access your COI profile in Huron here
    Quick link guide here
  • Human subject research training (if applicable)
    Complete this training via CITI

For more information, visit compliance information.

Who can assist me with my Institutional Review Board (IRB) application?

UVA has two areas of focus for IRBs:

This guide will help you determine which IRB is appropriate for your submission.

For non-human subjects research, guidelines are here: Non-Human Subject Research | Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

Email ONR with questions.

May I serve as a principal investigator (PI) for sponsored program proposals?

The following faculty members are eligible to submit sponsored program proposals:

  • Professors
  • Associate professors
  • Assistant professors
  • Acting assistant professors
  • Faculty emeriti

Post-doctoral researchers and graduate students may serve as principal investigators under certain conditions. Email ONR with questions.


Research Data Management and Storage

How do I create a data management and sharing plan (DMSP)?

A data management and sharing plan (DMSP) is required for all NIH-funded projects. It should describe your strategies for data collection, storage, and sharing. Detailed guidance is available from the NIH.

here NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan. Email ONR with questions.

Where can I store my research data?

Research data storage options should align with the requirements for security, sensitivity, backups, collaboration, and capacity. If you have questions, please contact the Program Manager at or email the School of Nursing IT team at


Post-Award and Financial Management

How do I submit a grant report?

Reports such as NIH research performance progress reports (RPPRs) or close-out reports, may require institutional signatures. Email ONR for assistance.

How do I submit a no-cost extension (NCE)?

Verify sponsor policies regarding NCEs by emailing ONR.

How can I check my budget balances?

Contact ONR for assistance for a detailed expenditure report. Alternatively, log in to RAD for Principal Investigators for self-service access.

Can I modify the budgeted amounts awarded?

Budget modifications are subject to the sponsor’s terms and conditions. Email ONR to discuss any changes and obtain the necessary approvals.

Why am I receiving an email regarding payroll allocation confirmation (PAC) certification?

Federal regulations require accurate records of salaries and wages charged to federal awards. Certify your effort through the PAC system. Contact ONR for assistance.

How can I check my current effort allocation on sponsored awards?

Log into SONIC to view effort allocation details. Alternatively, request a costing allocation report from ONR.

Where can I find the status of purchase orders or expense reports?

Contact ONR for updates on the status, payment amounts, and remaining balances.

How can I make changes to my grant or contract?

Requests to change budgets, programs, or key personnel may require sponsor approval. Email ONR for assistance.

How do I close out an award?

Work with ONR to ensure all expenses are posted, final reports are submitted, and residual balances are managed. The grants and contracts administrator will guide you through the close-out process. Email ONR for assistance.

I want to hire a student for a research project. How do I proceed?

Students are often important partners in faculty members’ funded research projects and provide a plethora of services to researchers. Before hiring a student, however, you must determine whether  a student is eligible to be hired as a student worker and follow certain strict hiring processes laid out by both the School and University. Email ONR to verify student eligibility and obtain assistance with the hiring process.

Are there restrictions on expenditures, vendors, or travel for sponsored projects?

Confirm sponsor-specific restrictions by emailing ONR for assistance before incurring expenses.


Research Support and Services

How do I schedule time with Hanover?

The Office for Nursing Research partners with Hanover Research to support principal investigators at the UVA School of Nursing by identifying funding opportunities and reviewing proposals. Hanover specializes in individual grants for agencies like NIH and private foundations with the ultimate goal of improving proposals' quality and increasing funding success rates. 

To schedule time with Hanover, email ONR. Note that availability may be limited, and there could be a queue depending on the current demand for services. It is recommended to make your request as early as possible to secure a slot.

Where can I find biostatistical assistance for my research?
  • Health System Library Research & Data Services
    One-on-one consultations on data preparation, analysis and statistics, and creating publication-ready visualizations. By appointment: Ask Us
  • PHS @the Library
    Consultation service to address introductory questions about research methods and basic statistics. See the coverage hours
  • Additional resources available at Claude Moore Health Sciences Library 
Where can I find templates, design resources, and printing services for my poster?

For faculty, students, and staff, the School offers branded PowerPoint and poster templates here (internal access only). Claude Moore Health Sciences Library also offers helpful tips on creating scholarly posters.

For printing, visit UVA Printing Services. We recommend calling them at (434-924-7186) before placing an order to confirm they can meet your requirements. You can also ask if they provide a print proof to review before finalizing your poster.

I need gift cards for my research participants.

To request gift cards for your research participants, ONR will first need to verify compliance with University and sponsor policies regarding participant compensation and guide you through the purchasing process. Contact ONR for assistance. 

I need a travel and expense (T&E) card.

To obtain a T&E card, contact ONR for assistance with the application process and ensure you meet all eligibility requirements.