Biographical Information
Information provided by Dr. Rose Marie Chioni
Dr. Rose Marie Chioni was born in LaSalle, Illinois. She received her nursing diploma from St. Francis Hospital School of Nursing in Peoria, Illinois, in 1953. She graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1956 with a B.S.N.Ed., received her M.A. degree in 1958 from the University of Chicago, and was awarded a Ph.D. degree from Ohio State University in 1964. She served on the faculty at Wayne State University, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison prior to joining the faculty at the University of Virginia School of Nursing in 1974. In that same year, she was invited to become a charter fellow of the American Nurses Association’s American Academy of Nurses. She was elected the first vice president of the National League for Nursing in 1975. In 1980 she served as president of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. At the state level Chioni served as president and vice president of the Virginia State Board of Nursing and in 1983, she became the first chair of the Virginia Society of Professional Nurses.
On December 31, 1988, Dr. Chioni resumed a faculty role at the University of Virginia School of Nursing after fourteen years as Dean and Sadie Heath Cabaniss Professor of Nursing. Under her progressive leadership Virginia’s first doctoral program in nursing was begun. Chioni, whose special interests are hospice, gerontology and nursing administration, directed a feasibility study about the possibility of developing a home health program. During her term as Dean many nursing education programs evolved to meet the changes in health care, including care services for the University’s Health Sciences Center. Dr. Chioni retired in in May, 1995.
Scope and Content
The Rose Marie Chioni Papers have been arranged in one series, chronologically within topical categories: 1950-1994.
Box 1 Personal Materials and Speeches:1950-1994
Folder 1 Awards, Curriculum Vitae, and Biographical Sketches:
Current research activity, 1970-1981; AACN plaque; paid consulting activities; retirement dinner program; Oscar and Ruth Lanford Award
Folder 2 Record of Ward Teaching and Practice:
Clinical assignments, activities, skills learned and teaching done as student nurse in diploma program.
Folder 3 Case Studies
Pharmacology class, nursing care study on woman with cervical cancer and anemia in last months of life, pediatric case study on a 5-year old male with pyloric stenosis.
Folder 4 Nursing Arts Notebook
Review of textbook chapters
Folder 5 Personal Materials I
Ph.D. preliminary examination paper, nursing shortage papers, nurse- physician collaboration paper
Folder 6 Personal Materials II
University of Wisconsin papers and published articles, reprints from journals, memoranda, newspaper clippings
Folder 7 Personal Materials III
University of Wisconsin: Task Force reports, evaluation of new BSN curriculum, peer evaluation of educational programs, role expectations of professional nurse practitioners
Folder 8 Personal Materials IV
Correspondence from Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Society of Professional Nurses; Nursing Alumni Newsletters, Division of Nursing Newsletters, AACN Brochures.
Folder 9 Dissertation Proposal
A Study of the Relationships between the Effectiveness of Predicted Success and Reported Success in One Collegiate Nursing Education Program
Folder 10 Speeches I
Virginia Association for Continuing Education in the Health Professions; NLN speeches by Margaret E. Walsh; “Consumerism: Its Impact on America’s Health Professionals”; “Summary of Remarks on ‘The Politics of Health’ by Herman Somers at National League for Nursing Convention, Anaheim, CA,”;
Folder 10 Speeches I, Continued
Nurses’ Role in Patient Rights; A Statement of Concern about Associate and Baccalaureate Degree Programs for Nurses that have No Major in Nursing; Changing Student Relationships: Institution and Administration.
Folder 11 Speeches II
NLN Update Speech, Nursing Education for the Future: Position Paper; Wayne State University Nursing Convocation, AACN Workshop: Grants for Nursing Education and Research – “Planning the Project”; First Annual Conference – Health Occupations Educators and Supervisors; Keys to Professional Nursing: Research, Leadership, Practice; Nursing Education in the 80s; The State of the Art in Academic Nursing. A CEU Certificate.
Folder 12 Speeches III
Press statement re: Ph.D. in Nursing; Cultural View of Final Stages of Life; Brochure – Conference on Legal Controversies in Nursing (DC, MD, & VA); Recruitment, Retention, & Rewards for Faculty; Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing; Where is Nursing Going…?; The Relationship Between Predicted and Reported Success in One Collegiate Nursing Program; VNA Annual Convention.
Folder 13 Speeches IV
Barriers to Teaching & Learning; Holistic Nursing -- The New Profession; Nursing Practice at the Bedside: Strategies for the Eighties
Folder 14 Speeches V
Wellness, What is It?; Leadership: Quest for Excellence; Charting the Future for Nursing Research, Nursing Education and Nursing Practice; Longing to Find our Ultimate Worth in Who We Are Rather than What We Do; Nothing Has Changed; Licensure: What is It?; Licensure for the Future
Box 2 Publications, Articles, and State-level Committees: 1970-1990
Folder 1 Published Articles I
“Tomorrow’s Nurse Practitioners”, Nursing Outlook, February, 1970. “Preparing Tomorrow’s Nurse Practitioners”, Nursing Outlook, October, 1970. (Journals and article reprints); “Nursing Education for the Future: A Position Paper” (undated)
Folder 2 Publications II
Book chapters and supporting documents:
Book - Systems Approach to Emergency Medical Care
Chapter - “Nurse Education in Emergency Medicine”, 9/30/80.
Table of Contents, List of Authors, Instructions to Authors
Emergency Care Education Study: Consent form and questionnaire, and copy of slide presentation, (1980). Draft of article on “Emergency Nursing Education: A Proposal for Curricular Change”. (not dated)
Folder 3 Publications III (Research Articles)
Three drafts of article “Emergency Nursing Education: A Proposal for Curricular Change”
Folder 4 Publications IV – (Continuation of Folder 3)
Drafts and correspondence related to article, “Emergency Nursing Education: A Proposal for Curricular Change”
Folder 5 Review and Update of Criteria to Estimate Future Requirements for Nursing Personnel – for DHHS (Division of Nursing)
Correspondence, memoranda, and criteria for review sent to members of expert panel to review and update the criteria; summary tables; group conclusions.
Folder 6 Nurse Shortage: Dean Chioni’s Study I
Nursing Survey Statement, with supporting data documents and correspondence; Employment Profile of UVA School of Nursing;
Graduates Survey; “Summary of a Study Entitled: Factors Affecting Employment of Graduates of the University of Virginia School of Nursing”; Draft of study; Article: “The Shortage of Hospital Nurses: A
New Perspective”; Press Release from WVPT re: Nursing Shortage Special to air on WVPT; Correspondence re: recruitment of men in nursing; related documents.
Folder 7 Nurse Shortage – Dean’s Study II
Articles and correspondence.
Articles: Aiken, L. (1982). The nurse labor market, Health Affairs,1, 30-40; Konrad, W. (1986). The hottest careers of 1986. Working woman, July, 65-73; “On the Line” – Nursing Shortage;
David, L. & David, I (1983). The new nurses. Health, 15, 32-34 & 60; Moccia, P. & Pfordresher, K. (1983). If nurses had their way. Ms, May, 105-106 &146; Kessler, G. (1983). Issues: Exodus from human services. Working Woman, December, 52-53; Felton, G. (1986). Harnessing today’s trends to guide nursing’s future. Nursing and Health Care, April, 211-213; Castro, J. (1986). Florence Nightingale, Inc. Time, July 14, 47; Dolkart, D. (1986). Admission, length-of-stay declines slacken. Hospitals, August, 70-71; Feinberg, L. (1986). Area nursing schools seek cure for decreasing enrollment. Charlottesville Daily Progress; American Journal of Nursing – several small articles, August, 1986.
Newspaper articles
Folder 8 Nurse Shortage – Governor’s Study Commission I
Correspondence (large portion from the Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates), Survey Form, Joint Committee Studying the Supply of and Demand for Nurses: Agenda, Staff Briefing Report, Minutes – August 8, & September 9,1988; “Needs in Nursing: A National Concern, A Professional Response” presented to The Anchor Cross Society, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center; ANA Summit Meeting Report, related correspondence, and Position Paper: Short term Strategies to Resolve the Nursing Shortage; “Legislation Affecting Insurance Reimbursement and Other Benefits for Nursing Personnel”, State Nursing Legislative Quarterly, 6, 1, 1988; TESTIMONY- VA.
Association of Colleges of Nursing; Incentives to Attract and retain Nurses in the Nursing Profession – 1988 Survey of Nurses in VA; “Proposed Alternative Recommendations” of Joint Subcommittee Studying the Supply of and Demand for Nurses in the Commonwealth; Recommendations from Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau.
Folder 9 Nurse Shortage – Governor’s Commission Study – II
Senate Joint Resolution No. 140; House Bill No 1024; Commonwealth of VA. House of Delegates Press Release; Joint Subcommittee Studying the Supply of and Demand for Nurses in the Commonwealth: Agenda, memoranda, related correspondence, minutes, survey results, legislation draft and final report; House Document 67, 1990.
Box 3 University of Virginia Work & Correspondence, and National-level Collaboratives: 1981-1988
Folder 1 Correspondence from:
Board of Regents of University of Georgia; University of Pittsburgh; Virginia House of Delegates; Kentucky Council on Higher Education; Virginia Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Sigma Theta Tau, Inc., Beta Kappa Chapter; O. A Thorrup, Associate Dean, University of Virginia; Lucy Blanton; Nurses Corporation of America; North Carolina Biotechnology Center; Marion B. Peavey, Vice President for Development, University of Virginia; Jefferson Area Board for Aging; Betty Johnson, Acting Associate Dean for Community Service, University of Virginia; Barbara Graham; Thomas Jackson, Vice President/Provost, University of Virginia; Laurel Archers Copp, Journal of Professional Nursing; Patricia Moccia, American Academy of Nursing; University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
Correspondence to:
O.A. Thorrup, Associate Dean, University of Virginia; Roxanne Spitzer,
Nurses Corporation of America; Dr. William Miller, Vice President of Health Affairs, University of Virginia; Rebecca Rimel, Pew Charitable Trusts; Class of 1989; Corks and Curls.
Folder 2 Banding Ceremonies – Programs and Awards Information
Correspondence, Nine programs, Beverly Reamy Howard Scholarship fund information; Denise Kaye Netherland Memorial Nursing Scholarship fund and related correspondence.
Folder 3 Nurse Specialist: Burn, Trauma, and Emergency Medicine proposal and correspondence
Folder 4 Report of the Graduate medical Education National Advisory Committees to the Secretary, DHHS, 1980
Folder 5 The Educational “Pipeline” in Nursing – AACN Paper by Kenneth C. Green, 1987.
Folder 6 Employment of UVA Graduates
“Factors Affecting Employment of Graduates of the University of Virginia School of Nursing from 1978-1980”, a paper; Summary of previous study; Abstract of study; Results of Employment Survey of Fourth Year UVA Nursing Students; "Supply and Demand Relations and the Shortage of Nurses”, Johnson and Vaughn.
Folder 7 Plans for the Year 2000
Plan for the Year 2000 – statement as Supplement to the University of Virginia Alumni News; School of Nursing Mission and Goals Statement; Draft of AACN Position Statement for 21st Century
Folder 8 Minutes/Faculty Memos Re: Internal Management Concerns of School of Nursing
Minutes, Memoranda, Correspondence Re: Organizational Structure and Management
Folder 9 Medical Center Nursing Resource Review Task Force Committee Meeting I (Minutes)
Department of Nursing Profile, Minutes, Correspondence.
Folder 10 Medical Center Nursing Resource Review Task Force II (Documents)
Correspondence; Report – bound; Recommendations; Progress Reports; News Clippings; Enrollment Figures for School of Nursing for 1987-1988; One AHA publication on the Nursing Shortage: “Surviving the Nursing Shortage: Strategies for Recruitment and Retention of Hospital Nurses”; Interim Report; Memoranda.
Folder 11 Medical Center Nursing Review Task Force Committee Meeting III (Minutes)
Minutes, and Report on Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Model for Nursing Practice and Education; Memoranda, Correspondence, Draft Recommendations.
Folder 12 Newspaper Articles
Nursing Shortage; School of Nursing Enrollment; Dean Chioni
Folder 13 Miscellaneous
Memo from Frances Butler, expense report for NLN meeting; Activity Report of Individual Faculty member; Aerial view of UVA grounds (2 photos); Photos and flier for “Family and Community Empowerment Workshop”, New Hope Baptist Church, Esmont, VA.
Series Description
This collection consists of personal and professional papers, presentations, and published articles focusing primarily on professional issues in nursing and nursing education, on both the state and national levels. The bulk of the material dates from 1963 to 1994. It is comprised of student materials, including Chioni’s doctoral comprehensive examination, and correspondence, manuscripts, records, and published articles related to her various professional roles. Of special significance are correspondence and papers concerning the nursing shortage, the governor’s study on the nursing shortage, and the extended role of nursing, which provide insight into the cyclical dilemmas and crises directly affecting twentieth century and contemporary nursing.
Several photographs have been removed from the Chioni Papers and are housed in the Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry photographic collections. It should be noted that these papers do not represent a comprehensive collection of Chioni materials. The University of Virginia School of Nursing records contain considerable material related to Chioni’s tenure as dean.
Administrative Information
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No Restrictions
Preferred Citation
University of Virginia School of Nursing, Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry, Rose Marie Chioni Papers
Processing Information
Processed by Janice Montgomery Preston in 2000.