A historic image of a nurse and doctors using a computer

NP History Awards in Research or Preservation

The Bjoring Center invites applications for two separate awards related to the history of nurse practitioners. Each award provides up to $5,000 of support to students, faculty, nurse practitioners, archivists, and scholars and researchers in nursing, health care, or a related field. The deadline for proposals is June 1, 2025.

Bjoring Center Research Fellowships

The Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry at the University of Virginia invites applications for its annual research fellowships in the history of nursing and health care:

The 30th Anniversary Research Fellowship is intended to support scholarly work on the history of nursing and health care that makes use of the research collections at the Bjoring Center and the University of Virginia. It provides up to $3,000 of support to doctoral students, faculty, and independent researchers from all disciplines, based on evidence of preparation and/or productivity in historical research related to the history of nursing and health care.

The Barbara Brodie Nursing History Fellowship is a postdoctoral award open to nurses engaged in historical scholarship that advances the field of the history of nursing and health care. The award provides up to $3,000 to support applicant’s historical research.

The deadline for proposals is January 31, 2025, with the intention that the recipient use the award during the 2025 calendar year. Send queries, and proposals and supporting materials to: Dominique Tobbell, PhD, Director of the Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry at the University of Virginia, at dtobbell@virginia.edu